
OKAY!!! Im rewriting and/or revising Why Can't This be Xanadu?!?
          	Sorry but I went to try and write more and I reread what I had written and it was confusing even me. 
          	Soooooo, I'm doing this from the beginning with ILLERYIA <- my main female character. And I might make this into a series one day and it might get back to the point that I already had it at. 
          	So please bear with me and just write the newer things that I post and let me know what you think.
          	Oh! and btw, it will be set at when she is with her mother, Vova, and the vikings show up :) And her mother is based on Elizabeth Bathory.
          	If you don't know about her, please youtube her..I find her kinda fascinating, that being that she is real and it actually DID happen.


OKAY!!! Im rewriting and/or revising Why Can't This be Xanadu?!?
          Sorry but I went to try and write more and I reread what I had written and it was confusing even me. 
          Soooooo, I'm doing this from the beginning with ILLERYIA <- my main female character. And I might make this into a series one day and it might get back to the point that I already had it at. 
          So please bear with me and just write the newer things that I post and let me know what you think.
          Oh! and btw, it will be set at when she is with her mother, Vova, and the vikings show up :) And her mother is based on Elizabeth Bathory.
          If you don't know about her, please youtube her..I find her kinda fascinating, that being that she is real and it actually DID happen.


Going through a lot of uneasy feelings and emotions. I would really appreciate everyone's and anyone's help. I have written my side down and published it. So please read My Predicament. This is a TRUE STORY and what has actually happened to me. And I would gladly accept and cherish any and everyone's help on the matter, so please read. 


@foREVerWiThMe , @TasteTheVengeance , @Vengeances_Shadow , @MusicisAwesome29 , musicfoREVer42 , @A7X_ReverendPlague , @ea7xtmusic no problem!! :) Loving all of ya'lls stories, sorry for not replying sooner, something is effed up with my email alerts :( 
          I do have a favor to ask ya'll thou.
          If any of u know any good Jimmy love stories, could u please let me know?! I would absolutely ADORE u if u could! :)