
Sooo guys! If you don’t know, I have entered into the Open Novella Contest once again and I’m so happy to say that my entry book has made it in the shortlist round! 
          	That’s twice in a row now for me! Last year I got shortlisted with my entry Beneath the Glow and now for this years entry Highbridge Rising! I’m in shock!
          	And on top of that, I received ambassadors pick for the first round entry! 
          	If you’re a writer and you love what you do, don’t stop! Because there is someone out there in this world that will love your work just as much as you do.
          	Big congrats to those who made it in the shortlist! And a big congrats and standing ovation to everyone that entered in the contest, creating a world of your own to share with others. Without writers the world would be utterly dull filled with only black and white. You bring color and vibration in the eyes of your readers. You should be so proud of yourselves. I definitely am❤️❤️❤️
          	Until next time my friends, happy writing/reading ;)


@Renaissance1111 Keep in mind just how stiff the competition is at the ONC; there were hundreds of fantastic books, and a lot of them didn't make it to the shortlist...


Sooo guys! If you don’t know, I have entered into the Open Novella Contest once again and I’m so happy to say that my entry book has made it in the shortlist round! 
          That’s twice in a row now for me! Last year I got shortlisted with my entry Beneath the Glow and now for this years entry Highbridge Rising! I’m in shock!
          And on top of that, I received ambassadors pick for the first round entry! 
          If you’re a writer and you love what you do, don’t stop! Because there is someone out there in this world that will love your work just as much as you do.
          Big congrats to those who made it in the shortlist! And a big congrats and standing ovation to everyone that entered in the contest, creating a world of your own to share with others. Without writers the world would be utterly dull filled with only black and white. You bring color and vibration in the eyes of your readers. You should be so proud of yourselves. I definitely am❤️❤️❤️
          Until next time my friends, happy writing/reading ;)


@Renaissance1111 Keep in mind just how stiff the competition is at the ONC; there were hundreds of fantastic books, and a lot of them didn't make it to the shortlist...


Hey guys! Now that I’ve finished and submitted already my ONC book, I’ve been reading some of your amazing entry’s! And my goodness are they good!
          So many talented writers out there!
          We’ll if you happen to see my post and have entered in the Open Novella Contest, are you interested in a R4R? ;)
          Anyway happy readings! ❤️


@ Renaissance1111  The question then becomes: which ones did you read that didn't make it to the long list? You'll then get a better idea of how stiff the competition really is...


@Renaissance1111 Awee, thank you so much! ❤️You made my day! I am slowly making my way down my ONC reading list. Currently, yours is up next! 


Heyy all! Happy Wednesday! Haven’t posted in a while and wanted to share my completed Novella book to you guys.❤️
          If you’re a sucker for a good zombie book then you’ll surely love Camila’s story unfold as she goes through each level of her high rise apartment building in getting to her little brother.
          Only problem is, cold chilling zombies lurking in every corner. 
          Happy reading! ;) 



Oh my goodness guys! I just submitted my entry by just 9 minutes to spare! I’ve never been so frantic in my life! 
          I can not believe I was that close to the deadline  XD 
          Good luck to everyone! 
           With the stress relieved and off my shoulders, now it’s time to dive into some amazing entries! ;)


@CamWill18 thank you so much my friend! That means a lot to me❤️


@KimberlyWesley thank you so much my friend! ❤️❤️❤️


@BreanneLHeureux thank you my friend! Yay! We did it! I’m so proud of you too! Your one the the first books I’m diving into for sure❤️❤️❤️


Hey all my wonderful writers and readers! I’m a little late on announcing this but my ONC book Highbridge Rising got chosen as Ambassadors pick!
          Literally shocked!! First time ever for me!
          I was definitely having some doubts because this year has been super busy for me but when I heard the news I couldn’t contain my joy. It gave me the boost I needed.
          Thank you #Opennovellacontest ambassadors for all the hard work that you do putting this contest for us each year.
          And a big congratulations to all who made it to the next round! Good luck and never give up! We got this❤️❤️❤️


@Queen_of_life_Heba thank you so much my friend! To you as well! ❤️❤️❤️


@CamWill18 thank you so much my friend! And congrats to you as well! I got to catch up on reading but yours is one of my top priorities to read. And I’m super excited to dive in. Love your cover too! So elegant and beautiful:)


@Renaissance1111 Congratulations Corrine! It’s a well-deserved win ✨


Okay guys! I just submitted for the first round of The Open Novella Contest! 
          I still get nervous every year with this contest xD but either way it’s still aways so much fun to do!
          I still have a long ways to go but I’m quite enjoying how my character Camila is panning out. And I can’t wait to get to the gory scenes!
          Good luck my friends! Can’t wait to dive into more of your amazing stories ❤️


@Renaissance1111 Aww thank you so much!! ❤️❤️ I love your cover as well! You have husky puppies!? Omg!! I love huskys!! I will let you know! I am unsure of your area atm lol I am still trying to get out chapter 2 and three, possibly chapter 4 as well. I just finished planning the whole book out so far! I can't wait to read more! And I'll be catching up on reading your ONC soon hehe!


@BreanneLHeureux your book image looks amazing btw! I can’t wait to dive in. I’m going to try after work and done feeding my puppies. I have four of them XD so if you live in my area and want a husky puppy or know anyone let me know lol. I just got done finally editing chapter two and three but haven’t had a chance to post yet. And yoi got this! We just need to reach 8k for the next round. ;)


@Renaissance1111 You're welcome, and I can't wait for more! So excited! Thank you so much for your words of encouragement; you honestly gave me motivation ❤️ Also, thank you so much for adding Rhazien to your reading list; your support means the world to me! I am a bit behind as well, lol. I'm doing my best to edit chapters 2 and 3 before I publish. I tend to want to edit while I write while trying not to overthink it
            ♪ヽ(´▽`)/ hehe. Good luck in the ONC! I am loving your entry so far, the story is stunning omg! <3


Thank you guys so much for the long wait! I’m excited to finally tell you that not one, but two chapters! Are published now for my ONC book entry…well a prologue and the first chapter. XD 
          At first I was just going to go with the first chapter, but as I kept writing I felt there was something missing and a scene popped in my head of Jazzy and Travis, lovers of the stars and planets. ❤️
          The prologue also explains a bit of how zombies came about which I’m excited for ya’ll to read.
          Please let me know what y’all think of it:)
          And let me know how your guys entry has been going? I got to catch up on some reads as well, it’s been a crazy cray week for me XD
          Happy readings friends!❤️


@AuthorESElias thank you for understanding ❤️ and thank you for the motivation! That’s good your momentum is going strong, can’t wait to dive in your book some more when I get a chance 


@Renaissance1111 Oh, no problem; I totally get that! Keep at it, you've got this! ♥
            Writing is going well; last week was super busy with random jobs but I managed to keep my momentum.


@AuthorESElias I’m so sorry for getting back to you so late. It’s been so cra cray over here XD I haven’t even entered my 2k words yet, but I’ll be doing that now. Hope all is well with your writing journey ❤️


Okay guys so I’m lagging a bit on my ONC book. I have my first chapter locked and loaded, just doing some edits before publishing :)
          So many of you have already got like four or five chapters already! Way to go rockstars! Woot! Woot!
          I’m excited to read all of your wonderful entries <3
          For those of you who don’t know you yet, I have entered in the #ONC24 yay!
          The prompt I decided to go with gave me tons of zombie vibes so your girl just had to pick prompt #22
          Be prepared for some gore! XD


@BreanneLHeureux yesss! You got this! ❤️❤️❤️


@Renaissance1111 I can't wait to read them! ^^ I am going to be posting it within the next day or 2 since I am so close to 2k words <3 


@BreanneLHeureux awe! Thank you so much! I just published two chapters. But man this been a wild week for me XD. How’s your onc book doing? ❤️