
@Shivran86 here has this amazing book to offer you. 
          	Believe me reading this book till 3 am at nights were worth it ❤
          	She writes on many diverse topics and blends them beautifully. 
          	Go ahead give it a try you'll be addicted to her writing 


Some professors are so annoying 
          Like I respect him for his knowledge and teachings but he likes to pressurize kids
          I failed to answer one formula he called my dad.. 
          Made me write that 28 times.. 
          Also said " This wasn't expected from you " 
          He has hand written notes, I said why do we have to copy them on books when we can take print outs? 
          He's like " If u dont do get out of my class " 
          Looks like I m his personal target now ☠️


@Rising-Queen, even the ones with bad intentions. It is unfortunate that you'll meet plenty of people with bad intentions, yet you still have to deal with them and reach your goals. It is also unfortunate that life isn't fair, and those people many times win, are rewarded, etc., and you have to bear it and reach your goals. Lastly, it is most unfortunate that the majority of the time, our best isn't good enough, and we still have to figure out how to reach our goals.
            It's rarely about what your job is and always about what your goal is.


@taicardi yes and I fulfil my job well enough but u can't stop a teacher from expecting something from students, be it he just chose the wrong ones and now is disappointed. I take no guilt for it but calling my dad over for I failed to ans one formula is getting too much now.. I'll have to confront him if he keeps doing that. 
            My dad trusts me and he sees me trying hard, but if it were other way around he would have imagined me as a complete failure if he kept receiving such calls 


@ricardosalarich I agree. Some teachers have good intentions behind what they do but their method of doing so is different. He keeps shading this one teacher I don't know why, maybe they had a fight and suddenly he got more strict. One theory of students is that he wants the toppers from his class to rub on that teacher's face. I neither agree nor disagree but I am already giving my best to the subject I fail at and that's enough for me 


So done with studies :/
          There's one more year to survive before I give entrance exam 
          God save me 
          BTW how r u people doing anyways? 


@Rising-Queen I mean, it's been a long 4 months lol. I'm in Literature, so I have classes this semester like English, Humanities, French, Poetry, Creative Practices... fun stuff (sometimes) lol


@Rising-Queen  yessss and I believe you willll get the college u want tehe :) good luckkk


@sope-my-bais lekin scene aisa hai mereko coep ya mit-wpu jaisi college chahiye (pune based) I plan to leave mumbai :/


How are you?


@blackdarkrobs wonderful! Would say better. I have started to take studies more seriously now that college is closed planning to finish atleast 30-40% syllabus in vacations. You? 


I  need your advice people. I was friends with this guy like three years ago and due to changes in classes we drifted apart. 
          I have him added on snap and want to start a convo, idk what should I say..?? 
          Like " Hi? " NO! 
          Whenever we cross paths in public it gets super awkward and we look away. 
          Pls tell me a great conversation starter knowing it's been three years. 
          ( note - he's a man of few words) 


@Rising-Queen I know a lot of people already responded to you with their suggestions and quite frankly, boys don't overthink over these things like we do... So start a convo however you like, but if you wanna be unforgettable in his memory, you can try giving him a compliment. Boys rarely get complimented. 


@Rising-Queen oh... I'm coming for the whole thing....