
Hey, Wattpad friends. 
          	Sorry I haven't posted in awhile, but wanted to let you all know that I've just posted a new complete short story, The Hygienist, here on Wattpad.
          	Hope you like it!


Hey, Wattpad friends!
          Just a quick note to let you know that my story -- "All of the Above" -- which was first published in Clackamas Literary Review, was adapted to audio this week by THE WICKED LIBRARY podcast. 
          Check it out:

          It's a solid adaptation and I couldn't be happier with it! They've been great to work with, so if any of you have short stories that fit what they're looking for, I'd recommend submitting.
          Write on!


          The third book in my SCARY TALES series is finally in print! That's right -- THAT RAVENOUS MOON: A Scary Tale of Red Riding Hood & Werewolves -- is now available in paperback at Amazon,, or your favorite online retailer. Here's a link with all the info:

          I'm currently editing the 7th book in the series, and the 6th should be released in ebook format later this month. My goal for the year is to wrap up the series!
          What about you? What are your writing/reading goals for the year ahead?
          Write on!


Hi, Kim. If you've written books (or hell, even stories), then you're a real writer, whether or not you've been published! And you're not bothering me at all. I love talking about writing. To answer your questions, I don't really ever get tired of writing a story, though I have abandoned tales when it seems like the characters or plot aren't working. I've only ever posted here stuff that I've already had published--after lots of editing. I don't outline. Rather, I let the story unfold for me. It's more fun that way, though it does often result in lots of editing afterward! Feel free to message me with more questions. Just please have patience. It may sometimes take me a bit to get back with you.


@RobBoley Can I ask a question? I'm a writer well not really cause I have not published a book yet but I have written them. I don't want to publish them when it's still not completed. Well here the point, do you ever get tired of writing stories? Does the scenes in your stories just came up on your mind and write them here? Or you wrote them on a scratch first before writing here. I've got millions of questions but I don't want to bother you though :) Thank you :)


Hey, friends!
          Thought some of you might be interested in this, if you're fans of my dark fantasy series THE SCARY TALES. Artist Amy Kollar Anderson has posted some preview sketch pages of the coloring book that she and I are creating--THAT NAUGHTY PIPE: A SCARY TALE OF THE PIED PIPER & GREMLINS!
          Here's the link:

          I'm super excited for this project! Would love to know your thoughts!
          Write on,


Hey, folks.
          My interview with author MEGAN HART is now online over at:

          If you haven't read Megan's zombie epic, THE RESURRECTED, you are missing out! It's got high tension, great characters, and tight description--and the best zombie sex scene I've ever read. For reals.
          Speaking of zombies, I wanted to give you a heads-up that Darlene Bobich: Zombie Killer by Armand Rosamilia is currently on sale FOR FREE on Amazon. This collection of stories ties in with his DYING DIES series. I picked up my copy earlier this week. Excited to read!
          Have a great weekend, everyone!


Good morning, Wattpad-ers. 
          So, all this month, I'm participating in the WINTER OF ZOMBIE BLOG TOUR hosted at:

          This event features over 30+ zombie authors sharing interviews, guest posts, flash fiction, and teasers from their latest zombie tales! You can stay updated on all the activity via the tour's Facebook event page:

          Check it out and you'll have the chance to enter some great giveaways, too! I'll be giving away signed copies of THAT RISEN SNOW later today via the FB event page so don't miss out on a chance to win!
          Write on!