
The final chapter of The Widow Maker has been released. Read the full novella now
          	As always, love to hear your feedback on the stories.


Happy New Year all!
          I don't normally do New Year's resolutions, however, after an incredibly turbulent personal life last year my goal is to get Sorceress of the Second Sphere completed to work on the sequel to Raven Knight, Rogue Batallion.
          I hope you all have an amazing new year wherever you are in the world


For those of you potentially wondering about my apparent lack of updates, I do apologise. Life throws us issues to face and sometimes this causes the things we love to take a back seat.
          I will look into getting a better routine for my novels, so please keep an eye out for future updates. However, here are a few things to be aware of.
          Decisions are needed regarding my participation on Wattpad, and/or whether I believe my work is satisfactory enough (imposters syndrome dammit!) to attempt to monetise my work.
          Raven Knight is super popular, more so than I could have ever imagined, and my goal had always been for this to be read, instead of making money out of it.
          I had never expected it to be consistently enjoyed by the masses, and while this popularity could suggest that monetising it would be potentially an option, I'm inclined, along with its sequel (yes, it has a name), at this time, not to do so. After all, it's achieving its objective, and people appear to be enjoying it.
          The Elemental Sorceress series is a series I love to write (though the last year has been difficult to do this) and the plan is to eventually write 6 books (4 are named, 1 completed 1 in progress and 2 are yet to be worked out). It is not as popular as Raven Knight, primarily because of the saturation of Fantasy on the platform, but I have a passion for it and it is potentially one that could be monetised in the future.
          Priorities for stories might change, however, I'm still planning in the immediate future, to continue on Sorceress of the Second Sphere.
          So... if you managed to read this far, you're a legend! And as a treat, you will learn that the sequel to Raven Knight will be called Rogue Batallion. Once my attention turns to this, more details will begin to surface.


@Lilly_Berry where have you been???? You have been missed!
            Working on the latest update, and hope to publish it before the end of the month (yep... doesn't give me long)


@RobClark5  We will happily wait for more updates!