
Well to all the people that are still following me. Two quick things:
          	1. I'm not dead! Just been busy finally finishing a story for once.
          	2. I finished a story. You can find it here:


Hey everyone. Sorry for the sudden message but I just need to say something. I'm experiencing some technical difficulties with Wattpad where no matter how many times I try to change my password I am not allowed to log onto the site unless I change the password. So, until this is fixed, I am going to have to go onto hiatus. I have already messaged Wattpad tech support about this, so I'm hoping it will be resolved soon. I will keep writing of course and will upload if possible. Thank you for understanding.


Hello everyone. I just wanted to ask a favor from everyone. I am participating in the CMC competition and I need your help. All you have to do is go to the link and leave a meaningful comment about my work. I thank you all for doing so.


@RocketManEarth I feel that. Hard.


@Olivaughn I normally get bored and write or I procrastinate on other things too.


@RocketManEarth Same! I entered the ONCs, and that kept me motivated, but it's so hard to A) maintain the speed I worked at, and B) find competitions like that, you know? How do you usually keep yourself motivated?


Hello everyone. I just wanted to say a few things. One, Helix Operatives: Creation got another two chapters uploaded today and I would like it if you check it out. And two, that same story just hit 500 reads/views/whatever it's called. *Insert Celebration noises here* Anyways, thank you all for reading and I hope to have the same support in the future. Thank you!


Hi everyone. I just uploaded another two chapters of Helix Operatives. What happens when the Gene Force's identities get exposed? And how much do the Anthros that are saved by the Helix Division really like them? Find out in the chapter of Fame. Also I would just like to say thank you to RiggSessamekesh for the new cover. It's amazing and she's also an amazing author. You should check her profile out.

          Also I have a new book where I post both my artwork and other's works related to my stories (of course I give credit where it is due). You can find that here:

          I hope you check them out and thank you.


@RiggSessamekesh No problem, you were the one that made it after all.