
Hello everyone, just a short life update. I apologize for not being able to update book 2, it's been very busy for me right now that I wasn't able to finish the last few chapters of it. I had planned on updating last January 18 since it was the twins' birthday, but it was also mine so I wasn't able to. I am very thankful for the love and support you have shown toward my books.  I will forever be grateful for this, thank you.


Hello everyone, just a short life update. I apologize for not being able to update book 2, it's been very busy for me right now that I wasn't able to finish the last few chapters of it. I had planned on updating last January 18 since it was the twins' birthday, but it was also mine so I wasn't able to. I am very thankful for the love and support you have shown toward my books.  I will forever be grateful for this, thank you.


Happy New Year everyone, sorry for not being able to update you. School has been hectic for me and I have little free time. I might update the last few chapters of book 2 soon. I'm already done with one chapter for that, and there are 2 more. Thank you for your love and support. Not sure if I'll be updating book 3 soon, but I hope to do it when I'm free.


I am currently on my second / (third?) week of school and it's been quite hectic. I have around four chapters left for Love Conquers All before I go on another hiatus to clear up both books before writing the third and final one. Thank you for all the love and support, hope that you are all still there for the third one!


Hello guys, so I recently updated Chapter 25 of Love Conquers All but I decided to unpublish it as I was skeptical about how to relate it to the next chapter. It will be back up soon once I'm done editing the other chapters due to how messy my first draft of the book is. Thank you again on your support, I really appreciate them.


Hello guys, it's been a while. I know I posted an announcement on both books and the latest chapter for Love Conquers All is underway. I have also been reediting Love & Arrows...again, sorry about that as I am not satisfied with how it looks yet. I also tend to forget things so I might have mentioned something in a previous chapter and it was overlooked in later chapters.
          I also decided to change how I write my chapters and stopped bolding the dialogues. I should stop doing that, hahaha. 
          Anyway, I want to thank you all for being part of my journey. I can't wait to spend more of it with you!


Hi guys! Don't worry, I'm still working on Love Conquers All. I just wanted to do a lot of chapters in order to not forget the events and trivia I've mentioned. After this book, I will start reediting the two books before going on the third and final book. Hope that I will still be able to see you all for that!


Great! Can’t wait!!!!


As of today, I have put Love Conquers All on hiatus. I'm not sure when it'll be back, but hopefully soon. Thank you for your support on Love & Arrows and Love Conquers All. Currently, there are 18 chapters in the second book and it's still up. Thank you for all your likes and comments, I always see them and appreciate them. Love you guys! 


Hi guys! I am aware that the revision of Love Conquers All is still undergoing. The reason is because I am reediting Love & Arrows. There are scenes that I once thought was appropriate but looking back now, it wasn't. I am also adding more detail to all characters and how they feel towards one another. It may take some thing, but I am happy with what I am editing right now and I hope all of you too. Stay safe everyone! ♥️❤️


@RosyStella *may take some time. 