
Hey friends! I just wanted to pop in and say that I am indeed alive and still writing. I've started a project that's very dear to my heart, and hopefully I'll be back on here sometime soonish to share it, reconnect with all you lovely people, and maybe rejoin the critique group I was in, if that's still running.  (@RogueWriter55 , do you know if it's still going on?)
          	I hope you and all your writing journies are going lovely, and have a wonderful rest of your night! <3


@SGSchumpertWrites Open Doors closed down long ago as Grendel took a hiatus. I'll send you a link when I get home! It doesn't have the same requirements as the old club, a lot less but it's flexible. So glad to hear from you!


@RogueWriter55 Thank you so much! I'd be so happy to work with you again, and I'm looking forward to catching up. <3 How would I join ya'll in your new critique group? Are you still going through Open Doors?


@SGSchumpertWrites AHHHH!!!! Excitement! Having you back would be the most awesome-ist (not a word)! I hope you've been well. No our old group isn't together anymore but planning on starting one in the future (soon) and YOU are always welcome! So glad you're still writing!


Hey friends! I just wanted to pop in and say that I am indeed alive and still writing. I've started a project that's very dear to my heart, and hopefully I'll be back on here sometime soonish to share it, reconnect with all you lovely people, and maybe rejoin the critique group I was in, if that's still running.  (@RogueWriter55 , do you know if it's still going on?)
          I hope you and all your writing journies are going lovely, and have a wonderful rest of your night! <3


@SGSchumpertWrites Open Doors closed down long ago as Grendel took a hiatus. I'll send you a link when I get home! It doesn't have the same requirements as the old club, a lot less but it's flexible. So glad to hear from you!


@RogueWriter55 Thank you so much! I'd be so happy to work with you again, and I'm looking forward to catching up. <3 How would I join ya'll in your new critique group? Are you still going through Open Doors?


@SGSchumpertWrites AHHHH!!!! Excitement! Having you back would be the most awesome-ist (not a word)! I hope you've been well. No our old group isn't together anymore but planning on starting one in the future (soon) and YOU are always welcome! So glad you're still writing!



Hello friends! I just finished @grendelthegood ‘s two books, and oh my goodness, are they amazing. If you’re searching for polished novels with relatable characters, lots of amazing twists and turns in the plot, and a gorgeous writing style, look no further! These two will definitely keep you up reading late into the night.


Everything. My eyes blur. My legs wobble, threatening to collapse, unable to hold the grief and rage and pain building in my chest, crashing down over my head. I’m going to lose everything.
          But do I even want it anymore? Now that I had seen their true colors—seen how the nobility really are—do I even care about being a part of them, about making their kind of difference?
          No, I realize, with a jolt like lighting through my chest. I don’t care. They can scorn me. They can call me a Cottar. They can say I’ll live an insignificant life.
          But if I’ve saved one person with my choice, if—like Fazid said—I’m the rain that brings the tree life, the dirt that nourishes it, the unacknowledged cause of this miracle called the Elixir—then that’s fine.
          They don’t have to know my name. It’s enough that, because of me and my sacrifice, they can go on living.
          He opens his mouth again, but before he can speak, a shot rings out. It whistles by the right side of my face, tearing through the bushes behind me, imbedding itself in a tree with a dull thunk. Pain explodes in my ear. Ow. I collapse onto the bench. Ow, ow, ow. Clutching my ear, I wait for the ringing to go away, pray for the ringing to go away.
          It doesn’t. I have a feeling this prayer will go unanswered.
          Distantly, I hear the king shouting, hear the Entourage howling with delight, hear the bloodlust in their cry.
          My own Lucre has began.
          I curl into a ball and wait for them to tear me apart.
          Another UCJ (UnCrowned Jewels) snippet. o.o My poor darling has completed his arc and is now suffering for being--or starting to become?--a good boi. >.<


@SGSchumpertWrites My goodness, I've missed your flow... it's so soothing and easy on the eyes!


@GiddyReflections Thank you so much! I really appreciate it.


This writing is so good! The emotion! This is epic!


Hello! Thank you for supporting me and my book - it means the world. I hope you enjoy it! And I hope you have a good day ❤️


@SGSchumpertWrites Thank you!! The cookies are delicious ❤️


@zeenatzaki Aw, sure thing! I wish you the best of luck on your writing journey. <3 *hands lots of cookies*


The boy is alone; the boy is scorned; the boy is in danger, and I am the boy because we are both those things. I watch from a nook as the crowd swirls and swells around him. I read the terror in his eyes, the hopelessness on his face, the ragged pleas in his words. 
          They don’t listen. They never listen. They are a mob—a tidal wave of fear and desperation riding the undercurrent of their anger, emotions drowning all logic, sense of justice foaming for blood. 
          But no. I watch, stomach turning, nestling deeper into the cracked wall. There is no justice. Not in our world. 
          From the center of the crowd, an animal howls in pain. The boy screams. 
          I close my eyes until it is over. I close my eyes because I don’t want to see. I don’t want to know—know what they’ll do after they realize we share the same secret, know what they’ll do when they come for me next. 
          My eyes burn. I press my fingers over my ears. When will it be over? 
          The mob’s roar comes to a crescendo, breaks into taunts and cries of relief, recedes into a steady hush as the crowd dissolves, flowing their separate ways, losing themselves in the maze of Kore’s streets and alleys, climbing the houses’ stairs with gold buckled shoes and ducking into tidy brick houses.
          Rats returning to their gilded holes.
          I wait until they’re gone, wait until my heart isn’t trying to claw its way out of my chest. And then I uncurl, wincing, and drop to the ground. Did they kill him? 
          Here's a little snippet of Uncrowned Jewels that I wrote this morning! I'm planning to post this story on Wattpad at some point; I'm just not sure when. I really enjoyed penning this scene--even if it had me hugging my dog and crying into her fur later on--which is nice because writing has been hard for me recently. 
          How are y'alls' writing journies going? Do you have any recent snippets you're proud of and would want to share? :D


@RogueWriter55 Ahhh thank you so much, my friend! <3 <3


@SGSchumpertWrites I am speechless... amazing!!!


@fulcrum_stardust Awesome!  I’ll definitely keep an eye out. Ahh yes, you go! I always love seeing your beautiful videos. 


Do y'all have a reading list you'd want me to apply your book to? I keep coming across places where you can recommend different stories and thinking: "Man, I wish someone would do that for me." I thought you guys might be the same way, so I figured I'd offer to recommend it. :D
          Please make sure you have a specific one in mind and can provide a link, along with the category you think it would fit. I won't be hunting down reading lists for people, but I'd love to offer a hand if you already have on in mind AND if your story fits their criteria AND if you know what category they fall into. 
          If you'd like to return the favor, feel free to ask and I'd be happy to give you a link/book/category. 
          This is aimed at anyone, but tagging @fulcrum_stardust @RogueWriter55 @printingworlds @grendelthegood and @RMKane because y'all are my friends and I'd love to support you/promote your stories.


@SGSchumpertWrites Thanks so much for thinking of me! I'll PM you <3


@Tiscon as well, I'm not sure if you're on much, but I'd love to support you. <3