
Under Tennessee Skies has entered the Paid Program! For someone who was told they 'didn't have it' by a teacher, this means the world to me.
          	If you loved UTS, please read again, or pay for your favourite chapters to help an aspiring writer chase her dreams  and recommend to all your friends who are yet to read Martha and Finch's story!
          	xX S Xx


@SLHaynes I'm sad I wont be able to read it again but congrats!!




Hi! I was wondering if you're working on any projects  right now that you'll be bringing to Wattpad or any other platforms? I miss your stories!


@FlyPeppers I am working on lots of projects but currently off Wattpad and other sites. Hoping to publish or self publish some of them so trying to polish them a little more. It's nice to hear you enjoy my stories though so hopefully once I've finished drafting one of them, I can put it up here while I edit! 


Hello @SLHaynes,
          I just wanted to ask a doubt.In the aesthetics for the hopton hills series,whom have you casted as Martha Heysham.Please lemme know if you can
          Lots of love from England,@unicornheaven123


@unicornheaven123 If you look at Sighs of Fire, I have kept up the aesthetics page so that you can imagine what she looks like! With UTS being in the Paid Program, I had to remove the images.
            S x


Honestly upset that under Tennessee skies is now a paid story..I was so closing to finishing it...


@Kailey9504 Sorry that you were unable to finish it for free, but we were unable to announce to readers that stories were entering the Paid program. If you really enjoyed it, perhaps consider buying the final chapters! As an author, it means the world to me that almost three years of work is being recognised as payment-worthy, and just like a published author, I may be able to buy myself a cup of tea with my hard work!


Under Tennessee Skies has entered the Paid Program! For someone who was told they 'didn't have it' by a teacher, this means the world to me.
          If you loved UTS, please read again, or pay for your favourite chapters to help an aspiring writer chase her dreams  and recommend to all your friends who are yet to read Martha and Finch's story!
          xX S Xx


@SLHaynes I'm sad I wont be able to read it again but congrats!!

