
Sudden appearance, but I've deleted a chapter in my old art book, and it deserves to be deleted. Thank you to a fellow artist who pointed out my mistake.


I just binge read your entire Puella Magi story. It is literally the best thing I have read on this website/app. Honestly. I stayed up until the early hours of the morning before important tests just to read this story. I could not, for the life of me, put this story down. I don't remember the last time I felt that way about a book before. You have quite an amazing talent at writing. Keep up with the beautiful writing~ :)


Thank you so much!!! You made my day, thank you! I'm so happy you liked the story ^^ Thanks for your support, and stay tuned for the next updates :) I hope you'll be patient though, because my updates can be irregular. But all the same, I cannot thank you enough! Good luck for your test as well!


Wattpad won't let me look at your Art Book :-(


It works now! :3 i think wattpad just wasnt working at that time 


@AmourTacoChat Ah, I'm sorry to hear that.. Have you tried opening it in anothwr device or refreshing it? It sometimes works 


@Dino-Burgers Happy (late) new year ^^"" (sorry for the late reply..) 


@Jadenite_12 You're not the only one who's stuck. 
          *eyes wide open as I look at the fire*
          *grins slowly like a maniac*
          *takes my own books and papers and starts throwing them in like a lunatic*
          Thanks bruh. You saved me from lighting a fire. 
          *melts into the darkness*
          *makes the peace sign*


Guys, I know I'm virtually dead here on Wattpad, and that I rarely post any drawings anymore, but that doesn't mean that some people can just go traipsing off stealing my art. Whoever comes across stolen art in any form, don't stay quiet, but inform the original artist. It pains me to know that people are taking my art pieces and declaring them as theirs. And what's worse, I'll get the blame of 'You're not the real artist, I've seen this in other books'
          Do you know how mad and sad that makes me?
          Sorry, but I cannot remain silent about this. Spread the awareness, stop art theft.
          And if I get another comment along the lines of me 'stealing' art, I will have no choice but to take down my art book. My drawings are precious to me and I don't want them stolen :(


@SaitheVivana The people who steal art -- especially yours -- will not go unpunished. The art community has your back, Saithe. If anyone tries to mess with you, tell us! We'll get 'em good >:)


tell them to see your signature then, and give them a previous, maybe unfinished version of it ::/ someone in my school asked if i actually drew the crushed can i did for artwork and i showed them a picture of the unfinished version, they half believed me after that XXD


@SaitheVivana I usually do ask them where, but all I ever get is replies of the sort : 'I just saw your art somewhere and you stole them'. They never tell me where they saw it :(