
Surprise!! Update on "Accept, Not Forget" previously called "The light to their darkness"


Hello again! Two times in a day, I am on a roll!!
          I hope you are all well and I just wanted to let you know that I just published a new book! As I said before, it is an older brothers book, but this one has a twist ;)
          I would really love it if you could check it out and tell me what you think!
          A deadly accident. Four older brothers. A pack of wolves.
          Aaliyah Johnson has been missing for eight years. Eight long years where her older brothers have moved heaven and earth to find her, but to no avail. It wasn't enough that their parents were taken from them at such a young age, their sister had to disappear too. 
          They had no idea if she had been kidnaped from the crash site or if she just wandered off and got lost. Then there was also the possibility that she might be... No. They refused to think like that. As long as there was no dead body, there was hope. And hope was all they needed...
          Unbeknown to them, their little sister didn't need any rescuing. She was alive and well, living in the wild amongst a pack of wolves that saved her on that fateful day. Since then, she has lived like one of them. Brave. Fierce. Untamed.
          What happens when the pack has to abandon its territory, and unknowingly migrate to the outskirts of the small town where Aaliyah's brothers live?
          What happens when the brothers find their long lost sister surrounded by wild wolves?
          Will she be able to have family in both worlds? Or is her spirit too wild for her to fit in the human one?
          If you are interested, here is the link:


Hi guys! Long time no see! Just to let you know that I changed the title of my book 'The Light to their Darkness' to 'Accept, Not Forget'. 
          I am also working on a new brother's book, but this one has a twist that I bet you have never read before. I won't say anything else so stay tuned for more news!


Hi guys! It's been a long time!
          About the Winter Awards, there was someone who decided to back out of the competition so there is now ONE spot available on the Random category!
          The first person to submit a form gets it so hurry!
          I hope you all stay safe and well!!


@Sara04girbal it's okay tho, thanks! have a nice day!


@Let_Inn I'm really sorry but someone was faster... The spot is gone already. Maybe next time so don't give up!


Hi everyone! I hope you are having a great holiday and I want to wish you all a happy new year! 
          I have a bit of a bad news so here it goes...
          I am writing this story as I go but lately I haven't found the time to with the busy holidays, therefore I will put it temporarily on hold (about 1 month). This will help me to have a clearer plot in my mind and make the story more juicy and at the same time let me catch up on my writing so that this doesn’t happen again.
          I don't want to leave my loyal readers hanging  and I am so sorry but if I don’t do this, late updates are going to be more frequent and I don’t want that. 
          Something I really don’t like in books is when authors leave them without updating for a long time without warning or don’t finish it at all so I won’t do that to you.
          This story WILL be finished, so please don't give up on me and the book! I will still read your comments and answer them as much as I can. You are the ones that keep me motivated to write so please keep going! 
          Thank you so much for your patience and tell me your thoughts about this recent turn of events.
          I hope you all have a great day/night and stay safe! 


@Bellatrix770 Thank you for being so understanding and YES!! It is finally over! I hope 2021 is better 


@Sara04girbal ALSO... HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!


@Sara04girbal get some much needed rest, sister! I know these times are pretty hectic lately... but at least 2020 is finally over lol. Nonetheless, have a fun time and be a free spirit!! :) ;)


Hello Sara, I’m really interested in the Winter Awards, but the poetry section is already full. Since the poetry section is full with only four books while the other genres have 6 or 8, would you consider adding a bit more entries?