          	A charming womanizer struggles to prove the innocence of his best friend by unveiling a secret which can in turn break their friendship while staying at a creepy hotel where he finds the girl of his dreams!
          	I would really appreciate it If you'd be kind enough to give it a read my fellow Wattpadians :) If you leave a comment I promise to check out your works too :D


Hope you enjoyed A Better Mousetrap! Thanks for voting.


Well I started reading it and I liked it and voted but couldn't finish it as some relatives came to our house :( But don't worry I'll read it soon and leave a comment :D If you have time, check out my 'Undead Desires' :) Thank you too for voting :D

          A charming womanizer struggles to prove the innocence of his best friend by unveiling a secret which can in turn break their friendship while staying at a creepy hotel where he finds the girl of his dreams!
          I would really appreciate it If you'd be kind enough to give it a read my fellow Wattpadians :) If you leave a comment I promise to check out your works too :D


Thank you All of my fellow fans/followers...I have now 30 followers..I know it's really not a big deal..seriously but to is..:) Okay..Now those who've read my MotherHorror Smackdown entry, the excerpt "A gift from the Devil"..I'm a little disappointed to say that..It'll take some time to upload it..New ideas germinated in my head which I can combine with the story..I wanna make it really good,edit & rewrite...SO it's gonna take some time.. I hope you understand...But I will of-course keep on adding new stories for the comp. :) Thank you for understanding :D


@DangerousAngel9 - okay I will check them out buddy :)


@DangerousAngel9 - haha nobody requested me to read their work before! I mainly read poems...but short stories will do fine :)


@DangerousAngel9 - Amio khub khusi holam :D