
I have noticed that lately, my followers are kind of increased. Something that I'm thankful for. Thank you to all of you who willingly followed my Wattpad account. Even though I might seem abandoned my stories. 
          	Tbh, I actually have a plan but due to my busy schedule, I can't seem to find any time to write. But seriously, actually, writing does help me release some of my stress but again just like last year, I seem can't find any time to write something.
          	And although I still love Boboiboy's show, especially Thorn and Fang, the admiration spark I had before seems like deem bit by bit. Maybe because of my busy schedule and my age that getting older. I don't know. 
          	Maybe, I should've waited for the Windara arc. But maybe I wouldn't be as excited as I am in the Sori arc since Thorn wouldn't appear much in that arc till we got the Gurlatan arc which will happen 2 or 3 years later if I'm not mistaken. But I look forward to Fang's backstory ithe n Windara arc actually. 
          	Back to the topic, I'm sorry again I wasn't able to update as often as I used to just like my first time joining here. As for Too Late, I will try my best to find time to write the ending. So is my 8 days with Duri story. I will try to update it. But yet, can't promise anything though. Just bear with me okay? 
          	So, that's all from me. Till we meet again. 
          	Your author,


@NgocAnh160 Thank you for your comment. It's truly made me feel happy. I will try my best to take care of my health. You too. Please take care of your health. ☺️


@ ShazrinaAishah  Even though I'm new to following you, I really like your perseverance with all this stories and will definitely look forward to each new chapter, so please take good care of your health.


I have noticed that lately, my followers are kind of increased. Something that I'm thankful for. Thank you to all of you who willingly followed my Wattpad account. Even though I might seem abandoned my stories. 
          Tbh, I actually have a plan but due to my busy schedule, I can't seem to find any time to write. But seriously, actually, writing does help me release some of my stress but again just like last year, I seem can't find any time to write something.
          And although I still love Boboiboy's show, especially Thorn and Fang, the admiration spark I had before seems like deem bit by bit. Maybe because of my busy schedule and my age that getting older. I don't know. 
          Maybe, I should've waited for the Windara arc. But maybe I wouldn't be as excited as I am in the Sori arc since Thorn wouldn't appear much in that arc till we got the Gurlatan arc which will happen 2 or 3 years later if I'm not mistaken. But I look forward to Fang's backstory ithe n Windara arc actually. 
          Back to the topic, I'm sorry again I wasn't able to update as often as I used to just like my first time joining here. As for Too Late, I will try my best to find time to write the ending. So is my 8 days with Duri story. I will try to update it. But yet, can't promise anything though. Just bear with me okay? 
          So, that's all from me. Till we meet again. 
          Your author,


@NgocAnh160 Thank you for your comment. It's truly made me feel happy. I will try my best to take care of my health. You too. Please take care of your health. ☺️


@ ShazrinaAishah  Even though I'm new to following you, I really like your perseverance with all this stories and will definitely look forward to each new chapter, so please take good care of your health.


Just want to say Happy New Year to all my readers. I hope this year will be better for all of you than last year ever did. ☺️
          Oh, I'm curious. Which one of my stories has been your favorite story?  


@Nmybeloveddrones I see. Never thought I would know someone would still love my chaptered story even though I seem to have abandoned it. (no I never thought to abandon it actually. Just still trying to wrap it nicely.) 
            But yeah, I will try my best to continue it. Thank you dear for willingly reading my stories. 


@AiraaXyrr Happy New Year dear! ☺️
            Oh, the pain? That's good to know.  I enjoy writing angst Duri though. Aww, I'm sorry dear. Can't promise anything for now but I also hope I can make a new story too. Let's hope together. 


@Aztronomania Happy New Year dear. I hope you will also have a wonderful year. 
            Oh, your fav is ‘To Reach You’? Honestly, this is one of my favorite stories that I ever write. Thank you so much for reading and liking my story. ☺️


I suddenly have a question. Do you guys prefer me to write my story something in English or do you guys miss my Bahasa Melayu story? 


@Aztronomania alright then. I will try to write more in English sometimes in future. ☺️


@ShazrinaAishah I dont really mind but I prefer english because I don't know how to understand nor speak Malay </3


I never thought you all will still read ‘Too Late’ even though I think it's not as good as the first few chapters. I'm touched. 
          Thank you, all of you! ❤️


@Ber1untuk7an aww. You flatter me. Thank you. ☺️


@ ShazrinaAishah  i think it was the best book lol


Just one to tell you guys that I add a bit for Blaze and Ais' part. You guys can read their part again. I feel lacking for their part since I happen to write this story in rush. So, I add something even a bit. 
          And thank you to everyone that read and vote on this story. I really feel thankful for your guys support. Thank you again. And again, hope you guys enjoy reading this. Good night. ☺️


@ShazrinaAishah the story was good! I'm crying 