
I am soo sooo soooo sorry for disappearing without telling anyone anything having phone issues too much will try to get access from someone else phone. I still have much pending reads and have missed out major of the wattpad stories i will try to cover it up and read the missed one's soon. I have seen comments on my story but i am unable to respond due to broken screen. Once my problem is solved i will definitely reply to each and every comment it means a lot to me....i am grateful for you all for reaching out asking for my well being i appreciate each and everyone much love to everyone will be active soon till than copy paste from laptop to wattpad that's how i am working. See you soon love you all❤️❤️❤️. Will try to reply if possible ❤️❤️


Hey so I may not be an active reader who would always comment but ur story changed that thing and I just wanted to tell u that how amazing your whole storyline is like everything is so realistic but again it’s not. And I wanted to request for a story idea that is like literally a whole new idea but it totally depends on you to do it or not but if u do it I would be on cloud9 and the idea is the reader is a new cricket player with the youngsters, like he plays with the squad and even plays in the IPL as it is IPL season so and I missed your story. The story is like the reader is a male OC and his backstory and stuff with his struggles and happiness with the ICT. It’s just that I would love to read it like being a part of the team is different but being a team member is different and I would really appreciate it if u would consider and I do know it doesn’t kinda make sense but sorry in my free time getting to read your story is very relaxing. I literally read it like so many times it’s like I am addicted to the story going back and forth, but I really do love your story and I hope u are happy  and healthy I may not know u personally but hope everything is well with y and your family and hope u are taking care of your health. I just wanted to write this to appreciate your amazing work and to also tell my idea but to tell that we would always support u and will always be there for you. And don’t worry about updating take your own time and also do take care of your health and hope your beautiful smile always stays.


Hey I know its quite late but i have a request
          Your book - working with the ict. Its so awesome. Loved it.. 
          i just wanted a chapter where in Sam and the team lost the cricket world cup 2023.. and how she feels.. how she consoled others.. etc etc
          PS- our boys played so well they deserve the cup but fate was not in our favour… it was heartbreaking to see them cry 
          Please if you consider my request for story idea.. thank you so much


Thanks a lot .. I wanted a story based on the World Cup we lost 


When is the next update?


@MinalPatel3 started writing will take me some time to get it together 


Hey are you fine?


@ShrutiGoti5 it's অক you are fine that's matter most 


@shradhasray yepp doing better update is in 10 mins sorry for the delay 