
Hi hi
          	I never know that I'll be back again. And have so many ideas to write, still doing the big hero 6, KnB and the new one BnHA. Wow don't know which to start


Yeo~ hello everyone, Long time not come and visit here.
          Now I have my time and idea (not very long) I can play some more.
          Miss you guys. Especially @Shadow_Blade3 who had been supporting my story for quite some times. <3


Alright everyone, I had did lots of things on my list already
          - My art of Year of Monkey is done
          -Did some request.
          -Cleaning my house
          -Bringing my family to eat (Because I am Paying)
          Now... The next to do list
          Finish all the request before starting to do my own story of HTTYD You are not the only one (Its been so long I start doing this and I really need to work on that)
          To those who waiting hope you can wait a bit longer, I promise I will make you satisfy my work... :)