
Also I am working on stories, I just want them well written and edited before I post them. 


Damn. I got to see the boys again last night. And they were amazing of course we were on the field this time and omg and Harry told everyone to have a safe drive home and on our way home our car broke down. lol Oh. so yea I haven't slept in 24hours. haha


Lol so ignore my old stories. I mean wow that grammar and spelling and just all of it. So terrible but I've got some other stuff up my sleeve, a story my friend and I are both writing. But the twist being we are writing the same story but it's not being written together there will be two of the same story, but written by different authors. Yes it's a fan fiction too, I will hopefully be getting back to writing Black Rose soon too. I haven't forgotten about you loves who are reading that one. xxx love you all and thank you for reading my crap ;p 


I am working on Black Rose still, but what I had written got deleted -_- I'm sorry I've not been writing much, I just miss MicroWord and I don't have it right now cause of my new laptop. But if you comment telling me which stories you want an update for I will work on those ones!!!!


Please Read, this is a Thank You everyone <3
          There are many "stages" in your life, ones that are considered big, ones that are considered small but still great, life accomplishments. So today for me, there is one of those "Big life events" according to society. So today I graduate High-School. And I thought that would leave you all with the speech I am giving tonight, as I am super nervous about it. But I'd like to let you all know that you have been a big part of my High-school years and I want to thank you. (((:
          My name is Hailey and I just wanted to say a few words of thanks to all the teachers here at SAIL. And to my parents, who got me where I am today. Though thanks is not nearly enough for the life lessons learned in my school years, the biggest being who my friends and who to trust. The people in your life after seeing you make a mistake and fall down, and get back up only to make the same mistake and fall back down. Those are the people who you should cling too. They are the ones who will tell you when you are being crazy, or encourage you when you follow God's path for your life. I encourage you now to cling to those people and learn from those lessons, don't toss them aside and forget about them. I would now like to leave you all with a Bible Verse that has got me through Senior year and is always on my mind. 2nd Timothy 1:7 "For God hath not given us the spirit of Fear but of Power and of Love and of A Sound Mind." - HaileyMarie Class of 2015