
Yesterday was the final chapter of "Faith of Our Fathers" by Ellen Miz Ellen (Ellen Mizell). Today begins the first chapter of "The Idiom Children" by Tire. A different author, who has a somewhat dark and twisted sense of humor. So be forewarned! :)


Yesterday was the final chapter of "Faith of Our Fathers" by Ellen Miz Ellen (Ellen Mizell). Today begins the first chapter of "The Idiom Children" by Tire. A different author, who has a somewhat dark and twisted sense of humor. So be forewarned! :)


Today I will begin posting "The Stupid Family". It's by Tire (a friend who gave me permission to post his works, and who has now mysteriously disappeared.) 
          The previous story, "The Firefighter's Dog", was by Ellen Miz Ellen. There will be another story by Ellen Miz Ellen, in around a month, after Tire's "The Stupid Family" has been completely posted.