
Hi guys! I meant to post this sooner, but here’s the preorder link to “The Eternals” don’t be alarmed by the release date, I plan on getting it out much sooner, but life tends to get in the way so it’s my cushion.
          	I’ll keep you guys updated when it’s done and ready for release!


@Smauggy I really wish I could get this, I waited soooo long till i could get a job only to find out I can't purchase cause i'm not in the US. Congrats on publishing tho! Hopefully I can get it one day :)


Woohoo!! ❤️


@Smauggy omg I'm buying tonight


Hey I put in a pre-order for the second Externals book on Amazon and it was supposed to be released in December but it never got downloaded onto my Kindle then when I looked for it they said my order was cancelled and now I can't even find the description of the book what is going on? I need to know what's going to happen with Tessa and her men!


I just read that you aren’t writing on here anymore (which I understand) but I’m just happy that I was able to find your profile again . I had to make another profile after I deleted my old reliable one and I was so stressed out about not being able to remember your name. I’m glad that I’m back!!!