
You know what I find annoying? Writers who guilt their readers just because they don't have a backbone to handle criticism or are too sensitive when people give their opinions on one of the character's bad choices. You put your work on the internet, where people are opinionated and have the option to give feedback. It's one thing to tell people to tone things down if it get toxic, but it's a whole other story if you're just guilting your readers and gaslighting them for having an opinion opposed to yours.


You know what I find annoying? Writers who guilt their readers just because they don't have a backbone to handle criticism or are too sensitive when people give their opinions on one of the character's bad choices. You put your work on the internet, where people are opinionated and have the option to give feedback. It's one thing to tell people to tone things down if it get toxic, but it's a whole other story if you're just guilting your readers and gaslighting them for having an opinion opposed to yours.


Not sure anyone will actually read this, but sorry to everyone who's been patiently waiting for updates on my books
          Things are a bit rocky right now both academically and in my personal life so I'm not sure when the updates will be out. Again super sorry about this


@SnowXT i love your vampire knight fanfic.
            If you dont mind i have an idea for an angsty chapter


Y'all, I keep getting ads between every few chapter I read. Now, I don't mind, BUT WHY MUST IT BE AN AD FOR THE UNIVERSITY I GO TO I'M TRYING TO FORGET ABOUT MY EVER RAISING STUDENT DEBT


@fiercegrapesoda *waterworks of tears* I can never escape


@SnowXT Your school is just reminding you of your debt <3 lol


Hey Authot-nim,
                  Just passing by your wall to say, Scattered Moon is such an exquisite book. It was very well written, and it was actually quite a shock that there is a fanfiction as well written as this one. Anyways, thank you for writing it. Hope you have a great day.


@Ocyann_Blue thank you so much for saying so! I'm happy to know you enjoyed the story enough to vote and even take time to write on my wall, thank you!
            Hope your day is full of amazement and wonder,