
I haven't been on here in months & im really sorry about that, but I've been thinking to start 'Our Mysteries' again...?
          	Let me know if you'd want to read it again/start reading it :)


@So_Relatable btw I miss your writings!! Xx


And its weird tbh - i have your book in my library and I just finished reading till Chapter15. But as soon as I go to your profile, it only shows your 2 published books! Or is my wattpad having a glitch


@So_Relatable Ohmy its been two years and I'm back here again! The feels But I'm super confused, I thought that you've completed this book? And that Karim will meet Assia? Or are you in the midst of editing?


How beautiful is it that the same God that created mountains and oceans and galaxies looked at you and thought the world needed one of you, too?
          God never make mistakes, and God knows our capabilities more then us then who are we to deny that we cant go through something?
          We are all here for a reason, so lets find our reason and let us try to make this world a better place!
          Stay Strong 
          Take care 
          Keep smiling!


I haven't been on here in months & im really sorry about that, but I've been thinking to start 'Our Mysteries' again...?
          Let me know if you'd want to read it again/start reading it :)


@So_Relatable btw I miss your writings!! Xx


And its weird tbh - i have your book in my library and I just finished reading till Chapter15. But as soon as I go to your profile, it only shows your 2 published books! Or is my wattpad having a glitch


@So_Relatable Ohmy its been two years and I'm back here again! The feels But I'm super confused, I thought that you've completed this book? And that Karim will meet Assia? Or are you in the midst of editing?


Your reading is ten times better how do you avoid using I. I use I so much in writing :( I need your advice habibiti 


loool thank you! I actually struggle with it & it takes me some time to figure out how to phrase my words :(
            You should look up synonyms to the word or even think of different ways to phrase something - crap advice but I hope it helps :)