



@Califia Those tattoos encourage me more to find my own meaning full design. And of course! I'll add it to my library for more reading material during break. Happy holidays!


Hey sweetie, thanx for that. So how about those mummified tattooes? Your interesting perception above is intriguing--I happen to adore farytales. I really like that zany cover you have and your premise to the story "The Girl who Thought She Was Imporrtant." It's actually masterful . I guess what I'm saying is that if we two were cought out in a lifebooat in say, the Atlantic, for a day or two? Well, depending of the food and water situation, I think I would really enjoy our skewed and wimsical conversations. It's just that creative people seem to get me all gooey.
            Now hey, check this thing out--I just wrote it yesterday  and posted it today with no small effort. Would be interested  in your take of the piece. (Relax, it's only 800 or so words).


@Califia I started the Tattooed Princess. I had to search the topic myself as soon as I read the end of the summary. I ended up researching it again after the first few chapters and soon I find myself looking at a bunch of dead corpse on Google images! The narrative of the story reminds me much of a fairytale as weird as that sounds. I love it.


Hey SL~~Thanx for your votes on "Crissa's Mate."  I'm finishing Chapter Twenty-Seven tonight. I'm in the mood to make it kinda erotic . . . woo woo! Take your time catching up. And in the mean time. . .be good to yoursefl . .. 


@Califia I'll try haha, it's very good so far. I needed something different.


SocialLies~~Have you considered some of the new psycho-meds on offer for people who think like you? I rather think a large bottle of them might be in your case appropriate. However, as we who adore diversity and generally admire the wildass and peculiar nature of this starsystem, please . . . never change.
          Thanx for the follow. You may someday reget this action, but as Asleigh Brilliant, the sage of Santa Barbara once so wisely said:
           "Don't worry, most of the damage we afflict upon the world trying to meet our goals and aspirations s will not be fuly realized until after we are dead."
          ~~Enjoy my reads.


@SocialLies ~~Thanx. I must say I got a great laugh out of your minimalsit and highly irregular profile. Just curious about your gender, age, education, and OCDs.


@Califia Crissa's Mate is waiting patiently in my library to be read, beautiful cover btw. I really enjoyed reading this comment haha.