
Hello all my wonderful followers! I know I haven't been on in a while, i've been really busy lately. If you want to blame someone/something it's all schools fault no joke Hahaha! My first story is soooooo close to being done just in case you were wondering. If you would like to PM me you can I love to talk...(It may be my curse xD)


nice dp PM me sometime


@akeem40 Thank you! I definitely will!
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Thank you for the follow! :)


@JPasquariello No problem! I'm excited to check out your work as well looks very interesting!
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@StarTangled That would be awesome! Thank you! :) Excited to check out your work! 
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@JPasquariello No problem! Thanks for following me and adding my story to your reading list! I'll have to check out your stories!
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Hello there, thank you so much for the follow ^_^! If you have the will and time, read one of my stories, it would mean the world to me, and I will return the favor in the future! Cheers!


@StefanGrubanovi You are very welcome! Thank you for the follow back! I will happily read your stories, and give some feedback! Hope you have a wonderful day!
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