
I finished writing woven November 19, 2019. I just published it. This series was my most prized collection of books I wrote. I cherish it so much. But, seeing how long it took me to publish the rest... I see that I’ve been sad longer than I thought.


I don't know if you will actually read this. I just wanted to say please don't let what others have said affect you and what you write. I have enjoyed the ones I have read and I like your style of writing. No matter what you write someone is not going to read it that way and ruin it for everyone. Please keep writing your way. Thank you.


this message may be offensive
I just finished Breath and my anxiety has fucking shot up. And I know, I know, it's my fault for not seeing if the sequel was completed but damn, I could jump off a cliff right about now .
          Your books are amazing, and I hope you're well?
          I'd like to know the layout of wild caught because my anxious and panicking ass cannot handle the stress of not knowing but I understand your wellbeing. 
          Get well soon!.
          Hope you're better <3


I finished writing woven November 19, 2019. I just published it. This series was my most prized collection of books I wrote. I cherish it so much. But, seeing how long it took me to publish the rest... I see that I’ve been sad longer than I thought.


          self harm; suicide, unhealthy coping mechanisms, unhealthy eating, toxic thinking, mental illness 
          Hey guys... I know I don’t post often. I don’t even post often on my ao3 :/ but I recently had a mental breakdown and really thought I was going to kill myself. I’ve relapsed into my self harm and I’m having a hard time earring correctly, my ptsd sky rocketed, and I’m just...
          I’m not okay anymore. 
          But, that’s okay. It’s okay to not be okay. I’ve identified the issues and I’m trying to get better. 
          Cheer me on?  And I promise, I’ll see you soon. Once I’m back to my old self and my writing returns... I miss it so much.
          Thanks guys <3


@Strayberry_ if you ever need to talk or rant or ust like be with,
            we could always like zoom or chat or talk
            i lob you!


@softforyoongles thank you for your kind words, I purple and support you too!


@softforyoongles thank you, it means a lot