
Today was the day! The version of Renegade here is now a sample copy with the first few chapters and a brand new FAQs page. Thank you so much for your support over the years.
          	Also, since it's the 24th, happy anniversary @OnceUponALily !


Just a reminder that this month, Renegade (RALI book 1) here on Wattpad will revert to a sample version with just the first few chapters. If you are reading it (or planning to) here, don't wait!


@TakiZyn Cool! I'll try to read it before then. That's also on my anniversary.


@OnceUponALily Thank you so much <3
            The book will be up here in full until April 24, 2024.


@TakiZyn How long until you remove the chapters? Except for the extra sections near the end, I have 27 Chapters left from where I left off. I am considering the idea of reading three chapters every day. Also, I intend to purchase a copy of the books as soon as possible. When I do, I will add Renegade to my "Wattpad Books I Have Physical Copies Of" list, which includes books I have purchased from authors on the platform.  Your stories are fantastic, and I want to support them. :)


In exciting news, the second book of the RALI series, Alliance, was published in print and ebook this past weekend. Featuring found family and hidden heroes, a past that won't let go, and a chance for Xlack to get everything back, it's a thick volume (~650 pages) packed with action, twists, and reveals, along with some tears and some cheers.
          The release date was also the 1 year anniversary of Renegade (RALI book 1)'s publication in print and ebook. In celebration, it went on sale. While the physical copy sale has sadly ended already, the discount on the ebook will last through the end of March. While Renegade is still up in full on Wattpad as well, the copy here will revert to a preview of the first few chapters in April 2024.
          Did you know that Renegade has bonus stories, too? One featuring baby beastling Rell comes with Renegade's ebook, but it's also available to read for free. My website (TakiZyn.com) has those details.


Big news! Pearl Before Swine released in print and ebook this past Monday!! See my author site (www.TakiZyn.com) for where to get a copy and access bonus stories. I set a goal to publish six books in physical form this year, and here Pearl's story marks number six and the realization of that goal. It was a lot of work with a lot of lessons along the way, and I'm not stopping (with four more titles lined up before June 2024). To celebrate, I'll perform a livestreamed and in person reading next Monday. Stay tuned for details!


I don't make announcements often, but this is pretty big news. I've been working hard on publishing this year, and in line with that River's End (volume I) is now a published book and available in print and ebook. It's my fourth book this year to be published, and I have two more coming before 2023 ends. I'm excited to say that Renegade (March 2023) has 5 stars on Amazon and Goodreads, as does its companion novella Messenger's Measure (April 2023). For more details on those, check out my author website: https://takizyn.com/
          In other news, The Chosen One's Mom has gotten a chapter (or 2) update every week since early July. As we're entering NaNoWriMo season, updates will go on hiatus as I focus on other projects. Speaking of which, my NaNo project for this year is titled The Mermaid's Mask. Mahina has two rules: don't lie and don't beg, but she'll have to do both to survive when she mistakenly tests positive for fire powers and is conscripted to the merfolk capital.


@VanishingLighthouse Thank you for the congrats :) As for if my books are available on Kobo, the answer is not yet, unfortunately.


@Ry-reader-29 Glad you do! I went through quite a few options before settling on that one.


Is it available on Kobo? (Asking as a Canadian) 


I love the new scheduling feature. It means I can have all my chapters lined up and ready to post on time weeks in advance. It means you'll get that new chapter whether I'm here or buried in life or in a coma. However, it also means that the chapter goes up and I wasn't here to tell you it did. So, I'm here now to say that The Chosen One's Mom released chapter 7 back on August 8, and chapter 8 this past Tuesday. If you were waiting for the announcement, I'm sorry ;-; Chapters are scheduled to post every Tuesday into September.
          So, come check in with Viv in chapter 8 as she battles a mechanical dragon :0