
Hello everyone, this is a bit of an impromptu post, but there won't be any new chapters of any story for the next week or so. The reason for that is that I'm heading off today to help my brother move back home, and while I might be able to write (since my laptop no longer works) I would say it's best not to hold your breath for any posts until I get back. I do apologize if this upsets anyone since I know several who follow me enjoy certain books of mine and want new chapters, but this is something important and needs to get done. So until then, please be patient with me. Thank you.


Hello everyone, this is a bit of an impromptu post, but there won't be any new chapters of any story for the next week or so. The reason for that is that I'm heading off today to help my brother move back home, and while I might be able to write (since my laptop no longer works) I would say it's best not to hold your breath for any posts until I get back. I do apologize if this upsets anyone since I know several who follow me enjoy certain books of mine and want new chapters, but this is something important and needs to get done. So until then, please be patient with me. Thank you.


Hey all, so I have a question for you guys! With the recent upload of my newest chapter of Dolls of Sacrifice, I was wondering what all of you think of it thus far, with it being a slow-burn it will be a while for it to conclude but I still would like to get some perspective on it thus far, be it with the pacing, the tone, the characters and so on and so forth. If any of you guys are willing to give me your thoughts feel free to leave a comment here. :)


I am beyond annoyed into downright pissed!
          For the past month, I have been getting constant phone calls without end by a “company” known as PageTurner. THEY ARE NOT LEGITIMATE! This is a SCAM! They have called more than 78 times with different numbers and even called back as well, the worse I’ve had was 5, unless they are blocked. I cannot begin to tell you how many times I have blocked their phone numbers only for them to call back again, and again, and again. 
          I received a text this most recent time, so out of annoyance/anger, I texted back telling straight to the person I will never work with them, stop calling, leave me alone. I hope they listen, but if they continue I feel like I’ll answer with a strong vocal reply. 
          Sorry for the rant, I’m just angry.


Is anyone willing to give feedback on my slow-burn thriller novel FATHER ALWAYS SMILING? 
          I've been trying to get feedback though it's been difficult.


@DeneseNecie Thank you, I hope you enjoy it.


Hey all, so I just wanted to let you know that I'm a tad stuck on the sequel to Mansion of Dolls. Not sure when I'll kick down the issue but in the meantime, while I know many of you are waiting patiently for it to come out, may I suggest you check out my in-progress book FATHER ALWAYS SMILING. It's a slow-burn thriller, and though it's not supernatural or horror I still think it would be something that many of you would enjoy!


So a while ago I finally made the decision to buy/have a PC tower built and I've been wondering if anyone would be interested in recording a reading of Mansion of Dolls and posting it. Though I'll admit I'm not the best at it (If anyone has seen my Let's Play of the visual novel 'The Letter' then you can understand) but it's something I thought to expand on. I do want to add ambaunce like music, sound effects and the like but that might not happen until my new set up is made which will porbably be a while. Sorry if this isn't worded the best, but if anyone is interested let me know. :)


So in the midst of my editing of Mansion of Dolls, I realized that how the chapters were formatting back on my computer caused a bit of an issue since it would merge the original chapter and the newly edited chapter together rather than replace the old one with the new. So now, I have to go back and edit all 20+ chapters again. A week and a half work of editing down the drain, the bright side I caught this error before I had gone through the whole thing. So yeah, that's always fun, but it could have been worse. hopefully, when I get through to where I left off it'll be smooth sailing.


Hey guys, just wanted to give an update on something, since I've finished Mansion of Dolls I've decided that I'm going to go back and edit the whole book. I've actually already edited the two bonus chapters before posting them which had actually been my deciding factor into wanting to do this. That way, it'll be a more enjoyable reading experience for all of you. I'm currently using Grammarly, (the free version) so if you find any mistakes still please let me know.
          Also to note that I'm Canadian so certain words like "colour" or "favourite" have a U in them.
          I wanted clear that up because some people who've read my works in the past believe I'm American, I'm not as I state in my profile. No hate to those who thought that. Anyway, when I finish with editing Mansion of Dolls, I will probably go and do the same with Louise a Vampire's Story since I've begun posting the sequel and I want to fix the issues that a lot of people have with it since I tried to make it read like it was written in the 1870s, worth the experiment and a lot of people don't like it, so I'll fix it with proper grammar.
          But with that, I do hope you all enjoy what I've written and what there will be too come. Stay safe guys!


 Hey guys, just wanted to give an update/apology for the lack of posting stuff this little while. I've been sick these past two weeks with tonsillitis (and it's still cause issues :/ ) I hope to nip this in the bud soon since I am so close to nearing the end game for Mansion of Dolls. And would like to complete it before the end of summer. At least that's the goal.
          I know I've posted the most recent chapter up not too long ago but I still felt the need to write this to you all.
          So yeah, still alive (mostly) hope you're all not too disappointed in me...