
I hope and pray that all the glitches are fixed now. And I hope that you guys enjoy the new stories, see you again on May 1, 2021. And every two weeks after that unless something happens.
          	I was going to post just two this week and two next week. Then post them every two weeks from my original post date. But I knew that I could not stick to that kind of update schedule because of my bad, and worsening, health. So please enjoy them, as long as I am alive I will never leave a story unfinished.


I am glad. You're welcome. I imagine that a lot of people have stopped writing VA by now. And it will probably decline since its been so long. But for as long as possible I will still be here writing my little heart out, LOL. At least for as long as I possibly can anyway. As for my health, the things that I have don't get better. But thank you just the same I really appreciate it. I had considered staggering my stories so I could update every week, I even discussed it with my beta and friend. But ultimately my health had other ideas. So I will be sticking to the same schedule as before, every other Saturday. Which means I will set the regular schedule on May 1, 2021. Thank you for taking the time to read my stories and contact  me. Please feel free to message me directly if you would like. Have a nice day.


@TeresaSullivan427 I am so excited to read more VA. I couldn't find any good fics here so I kept re-reading yours. I am so glad you decided to post more. Thank you so much for that.  So sorry to hear about your health . Hope you get better. Can't wait for more if your posts 


You’re Welcome I am finishing up a reread of your other fanfics then I will move onto other stuff I can’t decide if it will be other fandoms of fanfics or if it will be actual books but whatever I decide I am sure I will enjoy 


I'm pretty sure last weekend was update weekend 


@JeremyStokes4 You are correct. But as my Wi-Fi is down, due to weather according to my carrier, and my stories are on my laptop I cannot post until it is up and working again. Sorry. I am only able to respond to your message on my phone.


I found a Account on fanfiction.com called lovesmesomedanila or something like that which was some of your stories posted there. 
          Is that your account or is it a fake account that stole them?


@-enchxntxd- It's an old account where I used to post but do still read from. But thank you so much for looking out for me I really appreciate it. It's cool, I understood what you meant.   :)


I meant fanfiction.net