
Hi, everyone! I've just published a new book called 'Oneshots'. They consist of short stories about young Leonardo DiCaprio x Y/N, and young Harry Styles x Y/N. I wrote these stories ages ago, so please don't blame me if they're rubbish! 
          	God really loves you so much! ❤


Hi, everyone! I've just published a new book called 'Oneshots'. They consist of short stories about young Leonardo DiCaprio x Y/N, and young Harry Styles x Y/N. I wrote these stories ages ago, so please don't blame me if they're rubbish! 
          God really loves you so much! ❤


Hi! I just wanted to let you know that I just published chapter 19 of The Miracle of a Teenage Romance. I hope u like it and please let me know what u think :) God bless!❤️


@TessaSecA1702 Thanks for your help! I’ll let u know as soon as I publish it! God bless u too!!!❤️


@Bravesgurl Oooh... I think you should skip to the climax. I'm really intrigued and excited to read it. God bless you!!❤


You’re welcome! Thanks! I’m glad u enjoyed it! ❤️
            I asked this question on my message board but I never got a response. I’m at the point in the story right now where I’m skipping time a good bit and I was wondering is there anything else u would like to read about or do you want me to just skip to the climax which is at the end of the year? I'm asking because I can't think of anything to include in between now and then without repeating the same things. I’m thinking of just skipping to the climax but I don’t know. So what would u prefer? Please let me know! Have a great day!❤️


          'The Spirit clearly says that in later times some will abandon the faith and follow deceiving spirits and things taught by demons. Such teachings come through hypocritical liars, whose consciences have been seared as with a hot iron. They forbid people to marry and ORDER THEM TO ABSTAIN FROM CERTAIN FOODS, which God created to be received with thanksgiving by those who believe and know the truth. For everything God created is good, and nothing is to be rejected if it is received with thanksgiving, because it is consecrated by the word of God and prayer.' - 1 Timothy 4:1-5


Hi! Sorry I forgot to let u know earlier but I just posted chapter 18 of The Miracle of a Teenage Romance. I hope u enjoy it. Please let me know what u think. Hope u have a great day! God bless!!!❤️


@TessaSecA1702 You’re welcome! I hope u like it! God loves u too! Thanks!!!❤️


@Bravesgurl I'll check it out right away! Thanks for letting me know! God loves you!! God bless you too!! ❤


@TessaSecA1702 Hey!! I just posted chapter 21 of "He and Holidays" yesterday, and I would love of you could check out the new chapters!! Thank you so much!!!! :) ❤️❤️❤️❤️


@TessaSecA1702 Awww, thank you!! I think there's a few before chapter 21 that u haven't seen yet, in case u wanna catch up on those. Thx again sm!!!! :) ❤️❤️❤️❤️


@writercute77 Ooh! Of course I will! :) ❤


How to Pass God’s Tests:
          1. Go to Him for guidance
          2. Study His commands
          3. Obey His commands
          4. Cling to His promises about fulfilling your future and healing you
          5. Try not to let worries get the best of you. Refocus on Jesus when you need some calm. Being anxious isn't the way to go. Remember, Jesus loves us all and only wants to help us! ❤️ His tests in our faith help us grow and deepen our relationship with Him! 
          We need to all be there for each other and pray for each other! 


@TessaSecA1702 God bless you as well! Praying for all of us to trust & surrender to do His will! ❤️


@adorableink Amen to all that! ❤ God bless you! Praise be to God! ❤