Hello, this is ME!!! Just me..me.. meme. I am a meme.

~~Born in the wrong end of the globe~~

Be my friend?

•Acts hella gay but not sure what is.

Special talents:
Being awkward

Also, life mottos include:
"Don't be sad it ended, be happy it happened"
"Hakuna Matata"
"B chill, b koala"
"If you can't live for life itself, live for the gay"

If you want someone to talk to, or just a friend, I'm always free.
kik~ TheBlackCoyote1338
If I don't reply, either I'm somewhere without wifi or sleeping. I'm an openminded person and would never dream of judging anyone.
  • Does it really matter when we're all part of an endless universe?
  • JoinedMay 4, 2016