
Hello people of the internet,
          	The sequel to Missing Piece, Missing Force, is officially finished! So for those who’d rather read it all at once, now is your time! And don’t forget to tell me how you liked it :)
          	Have fun,
          	The Deceptress


@Darksidegirl89 Thank you very much! That’s really kind of you ☺️


I’ve always loved it    it’s  my favourite book from my favourite author


Hello people of the internet,
          The sequel to Missing Piece, Missing Force, is officially finished! So for those who’d rather read it all at once, now is your time! And don’t forget to tell me how you liked it :)
          Have fun,
          The Deceptress


@Darksidegirl89 Thank you very much! That’s really kind of you ☺️


I’ve always loved it    it’s  my favourite book from my favourite author


Hi there,
          Popping by to ask you your preferences for my upcoming stranger things story. The plot is finished and I’m about ready to start writing (I’m really excited about this one). I’ve just got two questions for you fellows. 
          1. Would you like the story to be first person or third person? (The main character is an OC) I’ve been struggling with this question and I’d really love to hear which you prefer and why. 
          2. The story takes place around the 80’s and I need some songs from that period of time that fits with the main character. I’m searching for a song about someone who wants to belong. If it turns out I’m not able to find anything, I’ll just have to pick a song from a later time period (I’ve found some fitting songs, just from after the 80’s). 
          Thanks in advance!


@RainWingMarvel7 Thanks for your response


@TheDeceptress I think third person would be great!


Hey everyone,
          I am currently planning on starting a second story once my holidays starts. It will be a Henry Creel (001) -from Stranger Things- fic. My question is whether you peeps would like it to be a xreader or a xOC. It won’t make a difference in perspective or backstory (I’ve already planned one and trust me, it will not be plain), it’s just about the use of (Y/n) or a chosen name. If you’d like the main character to be an OC, then you could always drop a name down here in the comments. I’ve got a real rollercoaster of a story up my sleeve, so prepare! 
          Thanks in advance,
          The Deceptress


@TheDeceptress Oh awesome, I can’t wait to read it!


@Darksidegirl89 I’ll do my best to make it enjoyable for you anyhow, if you decide to read it


@draco457simp Thank you for your reaction. I’ve decided to do a xOC for a change, but I’ll make sure it’s enjoyable to read even though it’s not a xreader since it will still be in first person. I hope you’ll like it anyhow!


Hey! Just read your books and I’m actually speechless. I know i’m just another person on the internet but your writing is so impressive. I don’t think i’ve ever read something I’ve enjoyed as much as them. You’re seriously talented and you clearly have the level to publish a book! The story is well constructed and the vocabulary choice adds on to the effect. Keep on the good work :>


@l1c3__  Hi there! Thank you so very much, that really does mean a lot to me. I am extremely glad you like it so far, people like you are the reason I write stories. So again, thank you for reading and the useful compliments. I hope I’ll be able to keep you amused with “Missing Force.” I wish you the best of days further on :)


Hey everyone!
          Just popping by to announce that I have changed my name from Just_a_Weird_Reader/Writer to The Deceptress. Since I manage to deceive myself and others -or so I hope- into believing in a world of fantasy. I currently have several ideas for writing a new book (and unfortunately not enough time to write all of them). If you feel like it you could respond underneath which fandom you’d like me to write about first. You can choose between: BBC Sherlock, Doctor Who (eleventh Doctor era, trust me I have come up with the best plottwist ever), or a story with Kilgrave from Jessica Jones (sounds weird maybe but I know how to make it adorable -in order to do so I will erase some things from canon- and readable for those who haven’t watched season 1, because yes, it’s David Tennant).
          Anyhow, have a good day further on!


Hi there everyone!
          In my country it isn’t 2021 yet, but in some countries it already is. So for those people, and everyone else of course, I hope for you all a fortunate new year. I wish you all nothing but the best; good health, dreams to come true and all the love and luck you can gather. 
          ‘Till later my dear fellows,


No you haven’t done something wrong. I just complimented you on how great of a friend you are 