Well... to start, I guess... Look at that lovely 'Follow' button. Mind clicking it for me real quick? ;D Okay! So, I obviously love to write, and read, hence my stories and presence here in the first place XD

I ship Johnlock so hard and am absolutely in love with the show BBC Sherlock!!! Benedict Cumberbatch and Martin Freeman are both incredibly awesome actors and I love them, as well as the rest of the show's cast and crew! XD There's a little bit of Sherlolly sprinkled somewhere in my extensive world of johnlock-ness... I'm also a huge fan of Supernatural and Doctor Who, The Walking Dead, Bate's Motel, Game of Thrones, The Big Bang Theory...

Hmm. I also love to draw and read, definitely read, and MUSIC! I listen to a wide range of genres, I just enjoy music! :3

My followers mean a lot to me - thank you so much for reading my stories if you do! You really encourage me to write! :)

Anyway, thanks for checking out my profile! :D I love taking requests too - so if there is a one-shot for a certain pairing or a multi-chapter story that you would like to see, just shoot me a message with your idea and I would love to write it for you, as long as I'm capable of doing so! :)

Hope you enjoy my work - comments and votes ( Ooo! And follows too! ) are awesomesauce! ;D
  • Narnia
  • IscrittoDecember 28, 2013

Ultimo messaggio

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