About Me:

I love reading and drawing.
I like making people laugh.
I love school. Except for the learning part. That part has gotta go. Also I'm pretty sure Mondays need to go die.
I'm not short my height is just cute
Don't try to out-weird me. YOU WILL LOSE (apart from my friends they are an exception)
People that don't know me think I'm quiet. People that know me wish I was.
I'm the type of girl that will burst out at laughing over something that happened...... yesterday.
I love chocolate and I could stop any time I want but I'm not a quitter and I only eat it on days that end with 'y'.
I love Oreo's. Oreo's don't ask silly questions,Oreo's understand.
I used to be normal till I met some losers I call my best friends.(They are the kind of people who will spend hours trying to drown a fish. But I still love them to death.)
I didn't lose my mind. It's at home sitting next to my common sense.
I'm allergic to stupidity so I break out in sarcasm but I'm not always rude and sarcastic, sometimes I'm asleep.
I am incredibly clumsy but I didn't fall, I was testing gravity..... it still works.
It takes skill and true talent... to trip over flat surface.
Raisin cookies that look like chocolate chip cookies are the main reason I have trust issues.

Yeah. I'm a loser. But I'm the coolest loser you'll ever meet

Follow my awesome dudes and dudettes:-

@TheProphetsWildChild - If she was a cookie she'd be a Whoreo

@Lanzarote_BMTH - My piggyback buddy (Seriously dude, find another mode of transport)

@Megz4Music - My Potterhead

@PandaNamedKoala - My Gleek and quoting mean girls is his full-time job
  • Don't freak out but I live next to my neighbour!
  • JoinedJuly 14, 2013

Last Message
TheGummyBearLover TheGummyBearLover Oct 19, 2014 12:21PM
@takeabigdump Aha Thankyou x
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