
"watch me whip" he said
          	"Nay, nay I shan't" I replied




Wow you can hear the awkward


@-RoseTyler- that was kind of an odd response


To anyone who reads my books, so I'm assuming my followers, I guess you should know this tip. If you search the tag corianoswald you'll find my personal favorites of my books. The good ones that nobody really looks at xD So, ja, just an FYI. xD


Hello world, I thought I might say hi, and just thank all of you.
          Why you ask? I mean come on, why would I be thanking you guys?
          Well, to be honest I wouldn't be me if it wasn't for you guys. I wouldn't be TheWhovianChick. I wouldn't be the weirdo gal that I am today. 
          So thanks. 
          Not only for that though, thanks to the THREE HUNDRED AND SIX followers for following me. I mean, I know I don't know all of you, but thanks for being there. I wish I had the patience to go back and follow every one of you (but I'm lazy, I barely check notifications...). 
          In honor of that, I am going to totally rewrite and edit my book 'The New Dark Ages' so it'll be improved and fantastic, and then I'll continue to add updates. 
          Thanks again guys, 
                                              Sayonara, TheWhovianChick
          (sayinara autocorrected to marinara at first XD)


Okay guys, I don't normally do this, but I have a book to recommend. It has one part,  and is still in the making, but this book has so much meaning in my life. It's really good so far, and it is just awesome. It might seem a bit odd or maybe even boring at first, but it's truly amazing. The book is 'Partners In Crime: Best Friends' by @10x5x14x14x1 . 

          Guys I'm being serious you HAVE to read it. 