
You asked for it, it's chapter of the sequel to Roommates with Benefits!


Just out of curiosity, how many of you would be interested in following more closely the process that leads to the publication of Roommates with Benefits in paperback?
          Meaning something like newsletter, TikTok, or even more closely by being an ARC reader when the time comes and by joining a Discord server with me?
          I'm asking this because I WILL publish the main books in paperbacks and NEW versions, but I think it would help a lot more if I had someone to respond to.
          Just throwing it out there. Please, reply to this if you'd be interested. Thank you.


@ sassystrawberry_  @ NevYlih   thank you both! If you don't mind, please send me an email so I can write down your contact for when the time comes. It won't let me write it here, I think, but you can find my email address in my bio. As for the Discord server, I'll let you know when it's ready! Thanks again for your support ❤️


I would be interested. I love your writing style and would love to work with you. Super excited also to join the discord server


@TheWritingWolf1 I would be interested! I love Roommates with Benefits, it's my favorite book! I'm also excited to join the Discord server!


Today is your last day to get your FREE copy of my Kinky Christmas books!
          You just need to go to Amazon and type Artemis Watson A Kinky Christmas, you'll be able to download the books for FREE
          Both books are still available through Kindle Unlimited


can i get it without kindle unlimited or amazon prime?


*sorry, free until Saturday 


@ Bucky4Lifee  yes it's free until Sunday, you can get your copy on Amazon, no need for Prime or Kindle Unlimited 


Hey, I was just looking, wasn’t there a book about Sarah and Ethan and Liam after the Christmas story where it also talked about how Melissa has feelings for Liam and she miscarried or something. Was it deleted I can’t find it. Or Did you Publish it. Currently Binge Reading all your stories lol. ♥️


@smk_tottt3 first of all, thank you for reading me! secondly, yes, there was about book about them, but it was taken down because unfinished. It will be published on Amazon as well. A Kinky Christmas is now a spicy trilogy that prepares the drama for Book 4. Book 4 is, indeed, the book you were looking for, it will be a full novel, whereas the 3 books before it are novellas (about 150 pages each)