
Worldbuilding is not a thing for just fantasy writers. It's an advantage to writers of every genre and also a difficult task if you don't know how to do it. 
          	The setting of a story is just as important as every other element in there. It could add or reduce the emotions you are trying to spread to your readers. Haunted castles with curled staircases are not famous in horror stories for no reason. The woods is not a place to die for no reason. They add to the story and keep your readers on the edge. 
          	Learn how to command this element of writing with us on the 8th of December. 


Hey, I'd love to hear your thoughts on my book "When Nature Beckons You" if it isn't a worry!
          Hope you are doing well? I hope life hasn't been very hard on you with this global pandemic going on. It is no doubt effecting many people out there, warm hugs your way. ❤️❤️
          I am Khan, Humaira or Meraki as you'd like to call me, :) I wish you have a great day as well.
          Much love! ❤️


Worldbuilding is not a thing for just fantasy writers. It's an advantage to writers of every genre and also a difficult task if you don't know how to do it. 
          The setting of a story is just as important as every other element in there. It could add or reduce the emotions you are trying to spread to your readers. Haunted castles with curled staircases are not famous in horror stories for no reason. The woods is not a place to die for no reason. They add to the story and keep your readers on the edge. 
          Learn how to command this element of writing with us on the 8th of December. 


Are you a writer hoping to get better or just looking to intermingle with other writers? There's a place for you. A community willing to make you one of its own. @inkcrane is a community focused on aiding writers cultivate their craft while serving as a home for them. 
          Join the discord server now to be part of the community. 


Bruhhh. When am I getting my cake? :-)