
Hey guys I forgot to tell you a long while ago like back to last year but I am not the original writer he retired awhile ago and he left me the keys but I want to say he was very talented and very creative and I don't know if I can keep up with him the same but I will try my very best.


@Thevikeing1 I believe that you’re keeping up with him already. you just have to fix any spelling mistakes but nobody is perfect


Hey guys I forgot to tell you a long while ago like back to last year but I am not the original writer he retired awhile ago and he left me the keys but I want to say he was very talented and very creative and I don't know if I can keep up with him the same but I will try my very best.


@Thevikeing1 I believe that you’re keeping up with him already. you just have to fix any spelling mistakes but nobody is perfect


Hey guys just want to let you know I'm not dead by the way


@Thevikeing1  ah tu tá vivo
            * Desliga para funerária *
            Pode continuar a história de helluva Boss?