
Currently on a race to 55555 words before April 30. Can I do it? Let's find out together :D
  - Don't be shy, leave a comment or vote or both because your support matters a ton to me. Thanks :D


Currently #2 in #TheWattys2020
          Every vote counts - thank you for your support :D

          So about that cliff hangar... I had planned to get back to regular releases today, BUT I'm still working on chapters and some behind the scenes stuff. The wait will be worth it.  This arc is shaping up to be explosive and surprising (even for me).
          Look forward to 2 chapters on Saturday :D We are on track to finish a second story arc by May 23 :D So excited!!!
          Catch up while you still can -


Guess what?! The first story arc of LOTS is complete!!!
          26 Chapters & the story is only getting started!
          I promised daily releases until Easter Monday but I need 3 days to collect myself and plan out the next couple of arcs. To thank you all for your incredible patience, there'll be 2 chapters per day from the 8th to the 10th of April, 2020.
          Hint, superpowers are coming ;)
          In the meantime - enjoy the first arc, named Unchaining and Anchoring:


I hope y'all have been well. I have been using the quarantine to write more but editing is taking awhile because I am juggling more remote work stuff. On a side note, we finally crossed 15k words with the latest release! Stay tuned :D