
You ever just....have 726 notifications because you forgot an account existed?
          	I'm going to see if I have chapter notes jotted down, and if i do ill try to get something updated soon


@kotlc_rules_sophie make sure it doesnt lol, I feel really bad because i mean at least on the main account ive updated something instead of vanishing for like 4 months
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You ever just....have 726 notifications because you forgot an account existed?
          I'm going to see if I have chapter notes jotted down, and if i do ill try to get something updated soon


@kotlc_rules_sophie make sure it doesnt lol, I feel really bad because i mean at least on the main account ive updated something instead of vanishing for like 4 months
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Remember that surprise I mentioned like, three days ago? Well it's up and it has something to do with Sea's Protector. That's right there's an epilogue now. Go check it out and maybe leave a comment? Or a vote. Or throw some food in my general direction. I don't care, but go enjoy the chapter


@Totallydoesntexist when is the second book of the Sea’s Protector
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Hey, I'm not dead and I've got some news for you! The Avengers books is getting a rewrite and a snazzy new title. So go check that out. And then...there will be a surprise coming soon, so keep your eyes peeled


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Can you update amidst of chaos plz


@MiriamPelayo9 This account is secondary to my main, and that book isn't slated to update until after the avengers one anyway
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