
Take My Advice will be published on Amazon on Black Friday and I'll be taking it down here, so hurry and read it before then!


          I just completed Turning Pages and wanted to let you know that I live the book with all my heart...even though it was a simple story, it was nowhere boring and very heart leapt at the confession 
          Also, will there be a sequel to Turning Pages ? 
          *please yes yes yes yes *
          Thank u so much for the book


           I jzt finished ur book Turning Pages and I jzt needed to tell u I love it. I love Pride and Prejudice with all my heart and this was the only book based on it that did it justice. I love how u created such a beautiful (and dreamy) plot whilst inserting issues that come up in reality, the life we live in. I love how humane u characters are. I'm 14 and this book is fr teens ( I think) but I love the fact that u showed us that there's more to love than the silly romantic stuff society promotes, that the strongest love on the world is the love of ur family and the fact that ur family will never give up on u. We need more books like this. Pls keep on writing. Ur amazing. 
                        Ur biggest fan,


Hi, just finished Turning Pages and it was very good. I love Jane Austen, and I'm starting Persuasion this summer. I was just wondering -- are you Mormon? I noticed you're from Utah and the title of one of your books references "Secret Sisters" and "LDS." Obviously I haven't read it yet, but those things definitely catch the eye. :)


@hebeegirl she is????? I am lds too!


@TristiPinkston , I really loved your book ‘Turning Pages’ and I am currently reading,‘Take My Advice’ I really loved both your books,you are such a amazing writer ever found on wattpad!:)


            Have u completed the 2nd one? It's not written that it is completed so I'm wondering if end is not required than I can read it or not. Thx :)


Phew! Okay, so! I just uploaded the rest of Take My Advice. Hooray!! It's going to be published on Amazon at the end of the month, but for right now, you can read it for free. The Amazon edition will be a little different because it's gone through some edits since I posted the first parts here, but the storyline is still the same.  :) I'm sorry for the huge long delay!