
Holy Crow! I surpassed 100 followers and didn't even notice! Where have I been?! Thank you all so, so much! You lot are the best! :-D
          	I know I haven't posted an update in a while, but I hope to soon. Also, I promised myself forever ago that if I ever made it to 100 followers, I'd post a hiccstrid one shot to celebrate. I suppose I'd better get to work on that.
          	Again, thank you guys a ton. I'm honored that you all want to follow my boring and sporadic ass. :-P


Congrats!! You really deserve it you’re books are the best ❤️


@TriumphantFury  Congrats on reaching a hundred followers ❤️❤️❤️❤️ You deserve each and every one of them especially because you write the best books on this website ❤️❤️❤️❤️


@TriumphantFury you are the best I love your stories I am waiting on the story hopefully it will be out soon ❤️❤️❤️❤️


Hello, how are you? I hope it's ok. I don't think you remember me, but I said I was going to be annoying. Not to put pressure on you, but I really want to see the third book in the Dance of Power trilogy. Please, I already read the first and the second, twice.  It's been quite a while since you posted the second one, maybe it's time to finish the job. Please, please 


Hi there!! Long time no see!! I want to tell you that I posted my first story on Wattpad. I was really inspired by your books and writing stile that I wanted to finally create my own. If it's not trouble, can you please give me your opinion?


Hey, I was and still is wondering when will you start updating again? I know in your previous messages with me that you said this year, I’ve read your books so many times I’m pretty sure I memorized it already. Thanks.


Just wanted to ask when are you going to start updating it’s been a long time.I love your story The Upside Of Heartbreak, I almost can’t stop, but I don’t really like unfinished stories.But you were the first writer that actually fully caught my attention, considering the fact I took 1 hour to read only 2 chapters. You are one extraordinary writer, the first to surprise me.


Thanks, but none of my issues are really something therapy can help with. Unless that therapist is able to cure my mom's illness or pay my bills for me. Then I'm all in 


Though I would recommend a therapist maybe?


I have a question, for your series The Gift of Power, what sort of research did you do to get the amazing level of depth you have created? The worldbuilding and lore is honestly amazing and the series is one of my favourite HTTYD Runaway stories.


I love that! The thought of inspiring others in any way! A last major piece of advice I can give you is to build all of your worlds on paper first, before anything else. Keep a little pocket notepad handy wherever you go. Jot any ideas you have down, whether you think they're silly or not. Add things and change things as you think of new stuff. Then, if you want to try and add a realistic swing to your fantasy place, try researching bits and pieces to see if they could possibly exist in real life and how/why. You'd be amazed how many crazy sci-fi things stem from truth, or at least partially.


It's an answer non-the-less and a helpful one at that, thank you for the advice I still love the series and it has inspired me so much


@Stardust-Fury Aww, thanks so much! I'm so glad you've enjoyed my trilogy (or what's completed of it). Lol
            As for your question... Oh boy... Where do I start...?
            Like most writers, I'm sure, I do draw some inspiration from other fantasy works. Most of it comes from a mixture of my own overactive imagination and A LOT of reading, though. I'm kind of a history/mythology nut, and I'm also oddly obsessed with both science and folklore, so I tend to deep dive into any book or source that involves any of these topics, and then I figure out how to work them into my made-up world. I could post my entire collection of sources, but the list would be ridiculously long, and most of them are non-fiction books and research articles that aren't exactly page-turners...
            Not sure if that answers your question, but it's the best one I've got. Lol


Heyyy, i just wanna know if you are planning to continue uoah. Its been so long since youve done and i absolutely love that book 


@lifeofgigi Sorry for missing this and not replying. I had some stuff going on in my life and kind of fell offline for a while. I'm glad to hear you love my work, though, and I am definitely planning to update ALL my stories, including Upside. Just need to find both the time and the mental focus to sit down and


I just finished reading your dance of power series and can I just say it was truly amazing, it is probably the most well-written HTTYD fanfic series I have ever read its right up there with Harry Panther’s work. It is actually one of my main inspirations for my own fanfics


Oh, wow. Thank you so, so much.  Being placed alongside a legend like Harry Panther is the highest praise I think anyone can get.
            That, and being told you've inspired someone else's work. Holy crow, that's flattering. Might I ask, which fics?


Author-san ?


@MichaelP05 Thanks :) And I will do my best. They were pretty good, so it shouldn't be too difficult. Lol


Oh my God I am so sorry for what happened to you. Glad to see that you're okay. And don't worry I am sure that you will find another better job to apply to which will hire you. Sorry for sending so many messages, but I was worried that another one of my favorite authors in wattpad had either quit or died( harrypanther). Nevertheless I am glad that you're okay and when you're ready to start publishing the third book of the series, would you please remember to add some of my ideas that I send? ? 
            Have a great day!!!