
I've added a projected update schedule to my bio for anyone who is still here and has been waiting forever for things to be completed. Thank you for your patience, and I'm sorry for leaving you hanging so long 


I feel bad about how long it's taken for the Attachments epilogue, but I can't finish it atm because I just moved and also start university this week so I'm busy af. I hope this little snippet of it tides you over and eases the wait a little bit:
          Two years ago, he would have compared Connor's smooth, unblemished skin to the jagged pieces of his own and thought that they could never work. He'd have thought of the kids he grew up hating for their privilege and the men he grew up fearing for their power. He'd have gone to hands around his wrists, nails in his arms, and let a bitter, awful feeling well up inside him at the reminder that other people don't know what it's like to have hand-shaped bruises on their bodies. He'd have resented Connor.
          God, how he'd resented him.
          Now, though, he brushes the hair from the nape of Connor's neck and finds an odd kind of poetry in the contrast between them. Besides, Connor isn't perfect, not at all, and he might have had the white picket fence but he didn't have the picturesque, happy family. Connor doesn't wake up in the middle of the night dreaming of things that feel like acid in his throat, but he does stay up late worrying that something horrible could happen any minute to any of the people he loves. He doesn't know abuse or hunger or what it's like to feel like a foreigner in your own body, but Troye doesn't know loss or what it's like to watch someone you love fight a war against themself.
          He thinks of Nicola and draws his hand away. The empty hole in his chest swallows a little more of his insides. All of a sudden, the bed feels smaller.


@TrxyesSivan Beautiful as always. I love it.


Just a bit on Love, In Orbit (the new one). The volumes of each section will be posted daily and there are three of each. The format is different for each volume: the 1st is prose, the 2nd dialogue, and the 3rd texts. A new section will start every Monday. There will be four sections.
          I'm super excited about this one, guys! And I promise it will actually update on time because 90% of it has been pre-written.


I'm excited too! So glad to be receiving Taite content again !!


Alright, here's what's up. I am well aware that I have let my updating go quite a bit as of late, and that I haven't been very present on any online platforms. I'm also aware that the few times I do come on it's to promise updates that don't end up happening. I'm so sorry, guys.
          I haven't stopped shipping or stopped writing, I've just had a lot of major events going down in my personal life that require a lot more attention and energy than I have to give, meaning there's absolutely nothing left for the writing of fanfiction. I've also been trying to shift my focus to original works when I do find the time to write, which unfortunately means that you guys suffer long droughts with nothing to tide you over.
          I'm a senior in high school, I lost a family member in January, I fell out with a best friend of six years, and I've been struggling with my mental health for the past five years. And while usually I would have used fanfiction as a reprieve from that, that's simply not the case anymore. I'm sorry, but real life takes precedence over online presence.
          This is not me saying I'm quitting anything. It's not even me saying I'm putting anything on hold, or not to expect an update for a while. It's just an explanation for the lack of updates as if late and the lack of response to your comments and messages. I want you all to know that I am writing and, slowly, I'm working on the next installments in everything I have posted here. I read every one of your comments and see every one of your votes and they are 100% a motivating factor for me. So keep them up and know that I appreciate every. single. one. Every one. Even if it takes me a full year to reply to them.
          Love you all! Many good things to come!


@TrxyesSivan hey, I know this is late as anything but don't stress about it, we 100% get that real life takes priority over online, and you need to be looking after yourself. Your mental health should always be up there at number one on your priorities list, because everything else you do will be substandard and not enjoyable for you if you're not looking after yourself, so please take all the time in the world if you need to, I'll always be here doing infrequent spot checks on my favourite authors, and everyone else will too-they'll just probably be more active haha but yeah, I'm always here if you ever need to talk or whatever


@TrxyesSivan Take all the time you need for yourself. No need to apologize; life can be, and sometimes is a pain in the ass. I hope you're feeling better, and love you too!