
Hey guys.
          	I'm planning on making another book soooo yeahs. I'm putting it in another account cause there's.. sm@t.
          	Anyways! Drop your suggestions!


Everyone! I deeply apologize for the big wait in my stories, for I have a truck load if work and studies along with performance tasks. Please be a little more patient with me.
          In  return, I will write a little better chapters and longer ones. 
          I will maybe also make a 2xXx4 story if possibly can!
          Since I made a story, I will try and finish it for the sake of ya'lls sanity.


@Unknown_lad I’m excited for the future stories ! ^_^


Theyre also working on a HUGE project with a few other people, including myself. So please don’t rush them, because they’re trying their best^^


Need writing advice?
          Always remember this:
          Not everything in this world is negative alr? The world is perfectly balanced. It also has a positive side so live there, put your mindset on the positive side! Example, you study hard and you're tired, but you'll get a really high score! That's negative to positive!
           Here's the formula!
          Negative = Positive 
          Negative -> Positive outcome
          Positive -> Negative Outcome
          Funfact: that's how I create my books and aus! I make a problem (negative) and then I try to solve It! (Positive)
          Even in characters, I put negative and positive traits!
          That's how to balanced things!


Do you guys want a 2xXx4 Fanfic? I'm planning one actually, I made their names very different and its like its original but uh its a fanfic. Human form too. With the fanfic I'm planning to make, I might change yalls mind about the ship? :>


@EX0R3AL1TY they will still be enemies Tho. The main ships are 4x and 2x and they are fighting over X lol


@Unknown_lad it’s your choice, and I’ll respect the opinion, but I don’t really like any ship that involves four with two, as they’re enemies and I basically for very little ships.
            (Flowerpop, 4x)
            It’s your choice in the end, your writing, your choice^^


I thought one of ur stories was called “licking the new student” idk y .o.


@CatWithL3hSt0ry don't take it the wrong way.It's alright.


este mensaje puede ser ofensivo
how the fuck do you not have more followers? 


@EX0R3AL1TY *sigh* does it look like I know why?