
The guy who made the sexually explicit photos of Taylor is acting like a victim now? 
          	If you were ‘man enough’ to make and post those be man enough to deal with the consequences. 


The guy who made the sexually explicit photos of Taylor is acting like a victim now? 
          If you were ‘man enough’ to make and post those be man enough to deal with the consequences. 


God I wish I was as pretty as Kaya Scodelario 


men need to understand you dont have to touch a woman to violate her. 


@ VoodooBytes  how do i repost on wattpad ?


looking at his photos got my face feeling hot 


@VoodooBytes Slay!!!!Now someone else pays 4 u on Valentines day bestie!!!!


@1-800-bUiLtDiFfErEnT my first ever boyfriend got capital h HOT


random fact about me is i collect littlest pet shop and i have been collecting them since i was 5 and at one point my collection had more than 500 lps and i have a nervous breakdown if i use instagram for personal reasons but i have a littlest pet shop instagram account that does not make me have a nervous breakdown 


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Yall first of all who let me be so fucking ugly in middle school its not even me just being overly critical- no I was UGLY 
          And second of all why did my first ever boyfriend from middle school who was the captain of the chess club supreme nerd get majorly hot… Oh and this whole time I WAS OLDER THAN HIM??? 
          I need to go to bed