
I’m so sorry guys I’ve been so busy writing a novel for school and I’ve gonna finish it by the end of the school year but I haven’t even finish the first chapter ); So that’s why I haven’t been posting anything, I get to pooped to write anything else so I just read afterwards again I’m so sorry to everyone who’s waiting.


@ W4ff13  no worries, take your time we dont mind waiting no matter the time


I’m so sorry guys I’ve been so busy writing a novel for school and I’ve gonna finish it by the end of the school year but I haven’t even finish the first chapter ); So that’s why I haven’t been posting anything, I get to pooped to write anything else so I just read afterwards again I’m so sorry to everyone who’s waiting.


@ W4ff13  no worries, take your time we dont mind waiting no matter the time


this message may be offensive
Plague Doctor’s (an OC of mine for mha) three modes.
          1: mysterious, pretty terrifying vigilante but doesn’t actually realize it: I suggest you take a deep breath, and hold it.
          2: chaotic, dumbass, vigilante: I STUCK INTO A YAKUZA MEETING, AND NO ONE NOTICED, BUT I ALSO SAW SOMEONE DIE!
          3: Chemistry nerd that rambles a lot: I accidentally made a bioluminescent and biodegradable liquid. The reason we know it’s biodegradable is because it exploded in the school lab, it made a mess everywhere, and I didn’t clean it up, but no one noticed because it’s clear when it’s in the light, but I think that the janitors knew, but I don’t think they told anyone, but now I can a cool effect of breathing a glowing gas, because I inhaled the fumes when it exploded.


This summer is not going very well for me.
          First I had summer school, 
          Then I broke a bone and got 11 stitch’s in my face,
          Now I have an infection in my foot.


@W4ff13  \(>o<)/(^o^)/


@Amithelocalweeb yes I would like a huggle


@W4ff13 Are you ok and do you want a huggle?


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            / ヽ_/  |.