
Hey besties!
          	Just a reminder of the project I worked on with my bestie is almost finished. Just a few more chapters left! 


Hey besties!
          I don’t know if y’all are aware, but there seems to be a Wattpad purge going on. A lot of stories are having their tags removed and not showing up on rankings, some have called it a soft shadowband. Engagement on these stories are plummeted to almost zero. Some of these stories are being removed. 
          With that being said, my novel Rowdy has recently had its tags removed and its engagement has plummeted, much like the others. I am worried about it being taken down, but do not worry if it is. 
          I have a full backup file of Rowdy, along with it being posted to another site. 


@WakeWriteWrath I hope this gives others some hope... yesterday while I was collecting some read stats for my stories I noticed two of the four books I have posted were barred from ranking. I was just waiting for someone to hit delete on them even though neither violate the rules. This morning one had ranking restored and isn't wallowing at the bottom of the lists waiting to recover... it is back to tracking where it was before it was flagged.
            If one of mine can be restored, there might be hope for others. But still... make sure you keep a backup off of wp, just in case.
            Fingers crossed for all of you.


@WakeWriteWrath same is happening with me and my book Marriage instead of death ..even my reading list some books are vanishing which were so good rh novels even some of my announcement is getting deleted


@EMMcNulty I’m hoping it’s just a glitch and they can fix it soon. And the age of consent won’t mess with any of my works since I don’t create characters younger than 20. I’m just stressed for Rowdy lol