
Okay so I saw a comment a few months back saying I should do story following a new Character, in my Jurassic Park Universe. So here we are. This is a sequel to Jurassic Park The 3rd Grandkid and follows alongside with Jurassic Hell Camp Season 1. I hope you all enjoy it, and if there’s anything mistakes I made, just leave a comment at where and what it is and I will fix it. Now with everything out of the way, enjoy, and spare no expense 


          Quick question: how would u include Ryan Grady in Universal Studios Hollywood's Jurassic World: The Ride, Universal Islands of Adventure's Jurassic World VelociCoaster, and Universal Studios Beijing's Jurassic World Adventure ride attractions?


Okay so I saw a comment a few months back saying I should do story following a new Character, in my Jurassic Park Universe. So here we are. This is a sequel to Jurassic Park The 3rd Grandkid and follows alongside with Jurassic Hell Camp Season 1. I hope you all enjoy it, and if there’s anything mistakes I made, just leave a comment at where and what it is and I will fix it. Now with everything out of the way, enjoy, and spare no expense 


Just got done watching all of Jurassic World Chaos Theory, and it was amazing. Even though I’m not done with Tyler’s story yet in Hell Camp. I already have plans for Tyler in Hell Camp. The next chapter of Hell Camp should be out soon, until then stay tuned. 


After reading the new chapters I have to say that I’m liking the extra details that you put into Tyler’s story. Like the “it’s treason” quote from Revenge of the Sith when Tyler and Kenji were pretending to have a lightsaber duel, and Tyler finding a Dr Pepper. Also, I’m liking that you are showcasing all the scenes from the episodes from top to bottom into this story like Dave and Roxy trying to find the kids. Lastly, I also like this story is a OC x Yazmina story.


Well Chaos Theory was released yesterday and it blew my expectations! An adventure road trip in a world filled with dinosaurs and more darker themes. Even though that Tyler Murphy’s story has a long way to go before we even get there, but I’m hoping that you have good plans for Tyler in Chaos Theory. Especially between Tyler and Yazmina.