
So this coming week, (saturday-friday) i will be at disney with the marching band. i will try to write, but i wont post anything, then the week after that, (same time frame) i will be at boy scout camp in virginia. nothing will get done there for sure. so, sorry, but when i get back, i will have a good summer of writing time! My goal is at least 25 chapters before school again.


Hi ono 


@XxAlty_KingxX and that's good ^^ marching band and AP huh? too easy or hard?


@XxAlty_KingxX I'm going to be the Tenth Doctor, but I'm also working towards The Fourth Doctor:) ya I'm tired of moving so much -_-


@XxAlty_KingxX  Nah. Not too bad. A lot of AP homework and marching band. What doctor who character are you cosplaying :o
            Thats cazy to be moving so much.


So this coming week, (saturday-friday) i will be at disney with the marching band. i will try to write, but i wont post anything, then the week after that, (same time frame) i will be at boy scout camp in virginia. nothing will get done there for sure. so, sorry, but when i get back, i will have a good summer of writing time! My goal is at least 25 chapters before school again.