
Sorry everyone, for not uploading the next chapter of Forbidden Rule! Been a very busy and hard two weeks, but I promise to upload this coming week.


"أنتِ زَهْرتِي ،، زَهْرةُ آلَشَيْطِان" 
          تلاقت طرقهما و هما من عالمان مختلفان. 
          لقد كان يحميها..... لكنها فهمته بطريقه خاطئه. 
          أحبها حب كحب روميو لجولييت. 
          اصبح مجنون بها كقيس مجنون ليلى. 
          غيْر عالمه من اجلها..... تأقلمت مع عالمه لأجله. 
          لقد كان قدرهما ان يكونا معا.... حتى لو لم يكن كذالك لكان تحدى القدر من أجلها. 


Hello! I am a new fan of your forbidden series and I just wanted to say I appreciate your writing and look forward to the new chapters and whatever else it is you may be writing! You are extremely talented and I am so wishing you would publish too!


Hope you are still doing well! Been a reader of yours sense I stumbled on Forbidden Law YEARS ago now and still love your works even today! Whether you choose to finish your WIP or not just know you are a very talented person and I wish you all the best in life and in your marriage!


Thank you very much! I will be working on catching up very soon, I need to read through what I’ve written so I don’t miss details, and then I can keep adding chapters. I appreciate your long time support and interest in my stories! It means the world to me, honestly 


Hello, greetings from one of your newest readers and now new fan. I absolutely love Forbidden Law and Forbidden Rule is somehow even better! I was so enraptured by these books and I read them so quickly that it now makes me want to berate myself. I am just hoping that you still have inspiration to continue with Forbidden Rule, so that I may read more of your spectacular book. Also, I hope you are happy, safe and well, especially with what is going on with this horrendous pandemic. Xxx


Hey! How are you? I just wanted to tell you that Forbidden law Is an amazing book and you are amazing as well, I loved every chapter, and I hope you'll get happily married ❤️ take your time, to plan the wedding, and the honey moon, and when you are inspired come back, but please, please don't stop writing, I am traumatized by those good writers who write a great story but stop updating so i'm sorry if i beg you this so often, anyway, i can see you complete your stories so I put my Trust on you 
          And well, that's it, thank you for writing really cool books
          Bye bye


Thanks again! And yep, I actually am marrying my version of Jace ^_^ green eyes and all. I will definitely be finishing. 