
Okay, it took me a bit to find how I can still message all of you. Another new update, hoorah. -_-
          	Anyway, I wanted to thank you all for your continued support. Your votes, comments, follows and reading-list adds mean the world to me. I'm so grateful to have such a supportive audience despite not being able to update regularly. I've just started college, and while it's hectic, I hope to get my new schedule and workload under control so I can get back to writing regularly.
          	Thank you all for being so wonderful. I only to be able to write well enough to deserve such amazing fans. 


hi, I was hoping that you could possibly make a short story about a boy who gets bullied at school but then the bully ends up figuring out he has feelings for the boy hee bullies. he then try to start a relationship with him and first forces him to be in the relationship but then the boy soon starts to have feelings of his own for the bully. I was also hoping that the boy who gets bullied could possibly be a neko.  if not that's ok


Hi um, I know that your life has been busy but maybe when you have time... can you think of a story or start a story that includes neko or humans that have animals characteristics relationship?? I kinda like one of the story on your one-shots and I think it'll be pretty sweet and cool!! Its okay to ignore this I'm just giving a suggestion. 


@Awkwayrd Hey there! I may be able to in the future, I'm hoping to finally get back to writing. Thanks for your kind message!


Okay, it took me a bit to find how I can still message all of you. Another new update, hoorah. -_-
          Anyway, I wanted to thank you all for your continued support. Your votes, comments, follows and reading-list adds mean the world to me. I'm so grateful to have such a supportive audience despite not being able to update regularly. I've just started college, and while it's hectic, I hope to get my new schedule and workload under control so I can get back to writing regularly.
          Thank you all for being so wonderful. I only to be able to write well enough to deserve such amazing fans. 


Hey everyone! Quick update/warning: my username will soon be changing to "AliceAmour". As you all may/probably know, Amore/Alice has been my pen name on this site. As you all may not know, I do plan to eventually be able to publish my works, and so am now making the necessary steps to do so. Let me know if you have any questions! :)


So irritated. I had a ton of info written down for a new one shot, and I lost my notebook. While in France. *sigh* So not only did that cause me to lose all that info, but that's also why the Pedes update was later than planned. Gah.


Hey guys! An update for all for you:
          1. Updates have been slow because most of this summer (really, this year) I haven't been home. If you wanna know, I'll tell you, but the main thing to know is that I've been super busy, and a a extremely sorry about the lack of updates. 
          2. Bouncing off the first point, I'm still not home - out of the country in fact. But, I fly back in on the 26th of this month. While I'll still have work and need to prep for college, it should be slightly more calm than months prior. 
          3. Pedes fans - I am still working on this story! (Crazy, right?) I'm adding a few small things to the first two chapters (taking care of plot holes, you know), and have the next chappie in the works. In addition, I finally know where I actually wanna go with this story! Full plot outline! Woohoo!
          Aight, that's all darlings. It's quarter to 11 here, so I'll work some and then go to bed. Good night/good day darlings!