
Hello there! As a favor to me, please check out the work of this lovely lady @ Preya13 I met back at home, and leave her a few encouraging words. She's just starting out so remember to be patient though. Btw, Happy August all you lovelies! I'm sorry I've been off lately, and I'm going to remain being rather incognito. Do leave me inbox messages on how you're doing though. Always up for a chat, you know right? Till then :)


Hello there! As a favor to me, please check out the work of this lovely lady @ Preya13 I met back at home, and leave her a few encouraging words. She's just starting out so remember to be patient though. Btw, Happy August all you lovelies! I'm sorry I've been off lately, and I'm going to remain being rather incognito. Do leave me inbox messages on how you're doing though. Always up for a chat, you know right? Till then :)


I've lately realized how unrealistic my characters can be at times, when I give in too much to my imagination. I was giving thought to re-writing them all over again, when I stopped and thought to myself, maybe it's essential to have rather unrealistic characters. Like, if Augustus Waters existed, it'd be unfair to mankind.


 Why would it be unfair?