
Hello! I don't know who still drops by here or who still reads my stories but thank you so much! I haven't been here for years and looking back, I'm thankful that there are people who enjoyed the things that I wrote. 
          	Hopefully, I'll be able to write some stories sometime soon! :D


Hello! I don't know who still drops by here or who still reads my stories but thank you so much! I haven't been here for years and looking back, I'm thankful that there are people who enjoyed the things that I wrote. 
          Hopefully, I'll be able to write some stories sometime soon! :D


          I know that I'm too late but happy new year 
          I hope you guys are having a great start to your 2017. 
          Unfortunately, I don't have any updates or new stories for you (T▽T) Since January most of my time are spent on our thesis a.k.a. paperworks + endless front end development and web design tasks. Lol. Also, we've been going to different places to present our work to our fellow students and we're joining the university research expo this March!! More paperworks!!! ∩˙▿˙∩ Hahaha. 
          Anyway, I've been watching K-Dramas in between my short breaks and hopefully that will get me back to writing!!! (/・ω・)/


I really appreciate those who still read/vote/comment on the stories that I've published years before. Thank you so much guys! 
          I'm really really sorry for being inactive. I'm posting some stuff from time to time just to tell everyone that I'm still alive even though college is trying to murder me. Few more months to go before I'm done being a student and hopefully I'll be able to come back with some stories to share. I hope you guys are still there! ( .Ő‿ζŐ)ノ


Haven't been posting any stuff for months because I'm soooo busy with uni and I'm working on my thesis :) Hopefully when I'm done with school and there's lesser stress, I'd be able to start new stories! I have lots of ideas and they just come and go most of the time. Huhuhu. 
          Anyway, have a nice day! ∩˙▿˙∩